Chapter 17- Unmask The Night

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WARNINGGGG!!!! This chapter contains explicit language and some triggering themes.... READ AT YOUR OWN RISK!!! (k bye... :))


Okay so what if we had one argument over text? It was just one argument, we can forget about it right? But it was a pretty serious one too. Shit, oh god I don't know what to do. 

"Are you okay there Elsa?" A voice interrupted my thoughts. For a minute there I forgot where I was, but then the walls of the study hostile came into my vision, and I was sitting next to Hans. 

"Oh, yeah. I'm okay, why do you ask?" I replied. 

"You lost focus and were mumbling to yourself... again." He answered as he started to pack up his things.  

"Sorry. It's just thing have been crazy lately." I apologized as I checked the time. I still had 20 minutes until I had to meet with Hiccup. 

"You know you can talk t me right? I've been known to be quite the listener." He smirked as he started shoving books into his bag without an ounce of organization. 

"I've vented to you too many times. I'll feel awful if I do it again." 

"From what you've been telling me Elsa, it's not venting." He laughed. "It's okay, you can tell me." I opened my mouth to speak, but then closed it remembering why I was upset. 

"I didn't think that' a good idea, maybe when I'm ready I'll take up your offer." I smiled. He gave me a quick smile before nodding and standing up. 

"Well, I'll be here if you ever need to talk. I'll see you next time I guess."  

"Okay, sounds good." I said to him before he walked out.  

It's good to know that he's always here to talk when I need to. I know I can talk to my sister, but sometimes I need a 'person who isn't related to me's point of view. So if you want to know if I've been speaking to him about Jack, then yes I have. 

I walked out of the hostile and went to the lot to get in my car. I had just the right amount of time to get to Hiccup's so we could do our paper, but I got a knot in my stomach thinking about seeing Jack there. Should I text him, or just let fate do it's job and just go. 

Screw it I'm texting him. I fished my phone from me bag and turned it on. 

'I'm going to be at your place with Hiccup. We can talk when you come.' 

I sent the text and put my phone back in my bag. I didn't want any distractions from him until I actually see him. I sat in my car still on the side of the road where I dropped off my sister to see her boyfriend for the day. I didn't really want to move at all, but I knew I had to get my assignment done with Hiccup since he wanted to finish up too. I just couldn't stop thinking about Jack though.  

I knew I loved him and yeah I've said it before, but I can't recall ever saying it to him again.... or him even saying it back to me. Maybe when I said it that time in the park, I didn't really know what I was saying? No that's bullshit; I meant what I had said tom him that night...but what kept me from saying it again to him after that?  

Before I knew it, I had nearly passed Hiccup's apartment. I didn't even realize I had started driving.... maybe this is a sign that I should seriously speak with Jack because I am clearly losing my mind. I got out of the car and just made my way into the apartment. I knocked on the door and not even two minutes later, a very happy... and sweaty Astrid opened the door. 

"Hey Elsa!" She panted/smiled as she tried to fix her shirt. 

"Hey... am I interrupting anything?" I said trying not to blush as my imaginations began to run wild. 

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