Chapter 8- Secrets and Specials

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Journal Entry #8

            I already know that the only person reading this is you professor. It took a week for you to give us our journals back and you publicly called several people out on faking their entries. Surely the TAs couldn’t do that unless they spied on each of your students, but that would be an invasion of privacy and you wouldn’t be teaching us. I also observed that your handwriting is the same as on the board and not the assignments we’ve gotten back. It’s good to know that you kept your word saying you and only you would read these journals; nobody else needs to know what’s going on.

            I looked up from my notebook, debating on whether I should scratch out that paragraph. It’s true, I at least needed to say this before I wrote anything else down. Maybe I could actually start using this notebook to let out some emotion I’ve held in… or maybe not.

            “Elsa?” my sister knocked on my door.

            “Yeah?” I answered putting my journal away.

            “Nothing. I just haven’t see you all day.” She said letting herself in and sitting on my bed.

            “All day? It’s only 12:30.”

            “Yeah, it’s not morning anymore.”

            “That’s true.” I said stretching. “How was last night?” I already saw my sister’s eyes light up the moment I asked.

            “It was fun.” She answered. “We just had dessert, then walked around for a bit.”

            “When did you guys get back?”

            “I don’t know. Maybe 12ish.” She shrugged, but then a sly smile came on her face. “The question is; where have you been?”

            “I’ve been here. I didn’t go anywhere today… except the kitchen and the bathroom.”

            “Then how come you weren’t here last night when I got home?” she questioned. A lump in my throat formed as I started to panic.

            “What are you talking about? I was here.”

            “Then how come when I went to check on you, you weren’t in your bed?” she smirked.

            “I-“ was lost for words.

            Who were you with last night Elsa?” my sister asked.

            “I… was… with…” Jack. “A boy.” My sister immediately jumped up and pulled me to my bed.

            “Details. Now.” She demanded with excitement in her eyes.

            “Anna.” I sighed,

            “Please Elsa. Give me something! You said you wouldn’t keep secrets from me this year.” She pleaded. I could feel the guilt rising in my chest when she looked me in the eye. I did make a promise with my sister, so far she kept her end by telling me what’s going on in her life. It’s only my responsibility to hold up my end.

            “Fine, just promise me you won’t get mad.” She smiled and crossed her heart, something she always did with me. I told her the drink the guy gave me was spiked and that’s why I wasn’t feeling very well. The part where he tried to lead me into an alley and someone stopped him. To waking up and finding-

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