Chapter 14- Morning Coffee

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Elsa's P.O.V

For the first time in a while I woke up by myself; not because of some nightmare or Anna shaking me awake, but I woke up when my body said 'Hey it's time for you to open your eyes sleepyhead.' However I wasn't literally by myself. I slowly started to remember that I was in Jack's dorm... and I was trashed last night.

I could feel his arms holding my little body tightly to his; my head in his chest and arms around his waist, but it was as if he was holding me to protect me.

I tried to wiggle out of his grip, but he groaned in response.

"Morning to you too." His morning voice greeted.

"Sorry I woke you. I just need to get up."

"Why? Just stay in bed with me."

"Jack, unless you want me to pee all over you I suggest you release me." He immediately opened his arms to set me free, but grabbed my wrist before I walked away.

"Don't take too long." he said. I responded by bending down to kiss him on the lips.

"I'll try." I speed walked to the bathroom to relieve myself and wash my face. When I looked in the mirror, that's when I realized I wasn't wearing my clothing. I was wearing a plain grey long sleeve that reached mid-thigh and my panties... did Jack change me last night.

I slightly wobbled back into the hallway, realizing quickly that I was still a little drunk, when I heard the sizzling of a pan and mumbling in the kitchen. I went over to check what was happening, only to find Hiccup flipping a pancake and mumbling to himself.

"Morning." I smiled leaning into the doorframe. He looked up and tried to hide his flustered face with a smile.

"Morning." He greeted back as he started stacking pancakes onto a plate. "You hungry?"

"Not yet, I don't even think I'm quite sober yet." I admitted as I took a seat on a stool by the counter.

"I don't doubt that at all. We told you to slow down on those drinks." He laughed as he poured me a cup of coffee. I gladly took it from him.

"What's in that drink anyway? Nobody answered my question when I asked last night."

"There's rum, tequila, vodka, gin, coke and some other stuff." He listed.

"What the-? I didn't even taste all of that!"

"Nobody does, but that's why we told you to drink them slowly." He laughed as he put a plate of pancakes on the counter between us.

"But didn't you drink some of those too?"

"Only one, then I stuck with soda for the rest of the night. I'm not a huge fan of drinking." He admitted. "Plus I had to make sure Astrid was okay."

"Did she sleep here?" I asked as I took a chunk off of a pancake.

"Yeah, and she's going to be pretty hungover when she wakes up. I needed Julian to help me get her in the car, then I needed to cover her mouth when she got in here because she was singing so loud."

"Astrid was singing?"

"At the top of her lungs. I'm surprised you didn't hear us when we walked in."

"Well, we were passed out and drunk so..."

"Whatever you say." Hiccup smirked.

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