Introduction:What's Love?

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Love... Love... Love... The word that dazzled the world for finding its genuine meaning. In the dictionary, love is an intense feeling of deep affection, but this remains just words spread on paper. People spend most of their lives in the deep search for the true meaning and adjectives of love, but no rule put even by the greatest psychologists will ever fulfill all the cases and all the feelings or even the actions that come from love. But! What is absolutely true is that love is a need for the continuity of life: parents' love, friends' love, family love, and finally, the lover's love.

For me, love is a very powerful word that changes a person to the best version of themselves. When you're in love, you have a motivation to bring out the best in you. Love is the feeling you get every time you talk to this special person, the feeling of safety, the happiness you feel just because you heard their voice or read their message even if they're miles away. Love is when the simplest words in the world from your person feel like a great award for you. Love is listening to the other person and understanding him or her and trying to calm them! It is care, respect, and appreciation! It is the sweet, painful jealousy feeling you get! It is liking and loving every single detail about the other person even if you hated this detail before. It is when you realize that you started loving some stuff or activities you didn't care about before like football games or a specific artist or whatever. It is when you're ready to get into an argument but not into a fight and when you can say sorry when you do something wrong. Love gets past all religions, beliefs, race, social class, or appearance.

The strongest kind of love is the one that no matter how many times or how much time has passed, you always forgive and make a new chance and a new way for this special person into your heart, it's when you let go of them because they want to or because of their happiness. It's when no matter how many people became close to you, they will always cross your mind, and you deeply know that you still love them.
The worst love? You may ask, it is the love that includes all these feelings and actions but from one side, and yes, it exists, and you may think it's just admiration, but no, it's pure love that exists in our society more than you may think!
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Hey, I'm Rosaline Meyer, a successful staff nurse, a writer, and a mother of four amazing children. Throughout the novel, you'll be reading about my love life or more accurately, my path for finding myself and in which real love found me.

It all began on a Monday morning following the 7th-grade summer vacation, and boy, I can't forget the feeling that came along with that look in his eyes...

To be continued....
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