Chapter2:The Dramatic Heart break!

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"That afternoon was one of the best in my little childish life! I couldn't stop smiling all day, and actually, my mom noticed that little stupid smile on my face, so she asked me: 'Who's that boy I saw at the door with you?' I replied: 'My friend, Peter, he's new, Mom.' Then she replied: 'Is he in your class?' I told her: 'Nope, he's one year older but we're friends!' So she laughed and told me to prepare my bag for the next day and then to sleep early. I kissed her goodnight and did what she told me. The next day, I didn't wake up to my alarm; Mom was already gone to her work, and Dad, as I did not mention earlier, passed away two years ago and left me and my mom alone. I woke up to the voice of someone shouting my name to find out it was 7:30 am already! I panicked then looked from the window to find out that it was Peter's voice who saved me. He laughed and shouted: 'Hurry up, I'm waiting for you!' I nodded okay and dressed up quickly, packed my sandwiches, and ran to the door! Peter said: 'Finally, let's go!' While we were walking, or must I say actually running, I asked Peter: 'How did you know I was still asleep?' He replied with a laugh: 'I'm a witch!' 'A witch?' I replied. He said, laughing harder: 'Rosie, I was just passing by and I said to myself if you're still at home we'll go together!' I replied: 'You saved me today! Thank you!' 'No problem! See you later,' he said as we entered our school. Unfortunately, I had PE class, so the class's diva saw us coming. She came next to me with her best friend and whispered: 'Who's that, your boyfriend?' I told her that it was none of her business, so she told me that Peter and I would make a perfect loser couple! I turned at her and gave her a big punch, then I grabbed her hair and pulled her down and while doing so, I whispered in her ear: 'He's my friend, and we're not losers, don't you ever try to bully me again!' Yeah, of course, I was sent to the principal's office and if it weren't my first time honestly, he would have expelled me! The day came to an end, and that day I went home alone! I went to my room, crying and angry while mom was still at work, until I got a message from Mom that she had to travel immediately and she won't be coming back for the next two weeks! Great! Couldn't get any better, I guess! At 9 pm or so, I was starving so I made dinner and put Netflix to watch a movie. Suddenly the doorbell rang, I looked from the window, and it was Peter carrying a bag from the market. I opened immediately and removed my tears so he hugged me and told me not to cry and that he was there for me and will stay to watch the movie with me. I dropped happy tears and told him to come in. We ate dinner, I told him what happened with me so he said that she deserved this, we watched then the movie, and laughed a lot. It was a great night! The two weeks went by and I spent every moment with Peter, we became really close friends. After Mom got home, I was walking with Peter like every day to school, I was racing him actually until he grabbed my arm and told me to hold on. I looked at him, and he said: 'Rosie, I want to tell you something.' I laughed: 'Mr., do you want to distract me so you can win?' He looked serious: 'Rosie... I love you and I really want to be with you! May I take you on a date?' I was shocked but really happy, and I told him: 'Oh, Peter, I love you too! Yes, of course, I will go out with you!' We hugged each other tightly and then we went to school holding hands. As we entered, Elena was at the door as usual so she saw us holding hands, for some reason, her face turned red and I felt fire sparks in her eyes. When Peter hugged me before he went to class, I saw Elena and Julia running towards me! 'So you fooled the hot boy in our school, right? Of course, he feels sympathy for you, that's why he's dating you! Anyway, don't worry this won't last!' Elena said with an angry evil smile, 'Hell has opened its doors for you from now on!' Julia added. So I replied with a diva smile, 'We'll see jealous beans!' At the break, I sat beside my first boyfriend Peter and we ate together, I noticed that Elena and Julia were talking for the first time ever with Natasha Gilbert, a tenth-grader student in our school, they were looking at Peter and talking, I didn't mind since I was the one with him now! Anyway, the day passed, and when I got home with Peter, he told me that he wants our first date to be at the end of this week and I agreed happily! Tuesday morning, the next day, was the last happy day in this relationship. Peter took me to school and we sat as usual, but after school, he didn't pick me up. I noticed him talking to Natasha then he said to me that he can't come with me today, I went home sad and angry, I didn't receive any text from Peter till night, I was angry so I didn't reply. The week passed by and I felt Peter was changing, he picked me up daily but he didn't talk or laugh much with me, he didn't sit with me on the break times and I always noticed him standing with Natasha. He even stopped walking home with me and we talked less, and he even didn't visit me Friday or Saturday. On Saturday night, I texted Peter and told him that I can't wait for our first date, so he replied with a text, not even a voice note: 'I'm sorry, Rosie, we need to break up. I don't have feelings for you and I think it was just a little game for you too! I don't love you, this is over even as friends!' I was entirely shocked, I blocked him on everything, deleted all our chats and photos, and started crying like a little baby, I was literally crushed, I felt my heart smashed like a stupid smashed potato. I wanted to know why all of this happened, so the next week I asked him what he meant by 'a game', so he told me that Natasha said that I always date guys for 2 months, have fun with them and then throw them away, and he showed me a picture of me and my cousin hugging each other. I shouted angrily: 'And you believed her without even asking me who the hell is that boy! I'm sorry for you really!' 'Don't be sorry for my boyfriend, we're sorry for you, we're sorry that you're a sick psychic player girl!' Natasha said, I replied with tears while looking at Peter: 'Her boyfriend? This fast?' Natasha whispered in my ears: 'Elena says that she never loses!' Natasha began dating Peter, hugging and kissing him in front of me. It was damaging for me, to be honest, but I had to make them regret it. We had a science fair at the end of the month, so it was time for making a revenge plan for them all! I invited cousin Billy, the one in the photo with me, and we planned an evil plan. I gathered all of Natasha's photos and some chats with her ex-boyfriends and said I would pay them if they came with me to the fair, so they accepted, and I gathered Elena's and Julia's chats with Natasha by hacking her phone. The day of the project came, and after doing my project, I said on the microphone while Peter, Natasha, Elena, Julia, and the whole school were watching: 'Now for the entertainment part...' Everyone was shocked but got excited! 'May the slideshow begin...' as I said those words Natasha's photos with her ex-boyfriends and the voice notes of dumping them, saying it was a game for her, started to show, and with each ex-photo, her ex walked to the stage until they all came up to the stage, four ex-boyfriends to be specific. They all said at once: 'Natasha the player, was playing with us!' Everyone was shocked, and Natasha couldn't explain; she just began crying. Then before she or anyone left, I said: 'Wait, there's more...' I started the other slideshow showing Elena's and Julia's threats to me and their plan with Natasha to make me break up with Peter. And then, as the picture they used came to the screen, Billy came to the stage and shouted: 'I'm her cousin, by the way!' 'Elena, I always win!' I said as I got off the stage.

Peter looked at them angrily and said to Natasha, 'This is over, you player,' and the three divas went home crying, running from their mistakes! Peter approached me and said, 'Rosie, I'm sorry I shouldn't have believed them! Can we...' I interrupted him, 'You're right, Peter, this wasn't love. You went off with the first rumor and with the first windy day. I forgive you, really, but no, we won't be together again, not even as friends!' He said with tears, 'If you want so, Rosie.' 'Rosaline,' I said as I walked away happily!

I learned from this experience that true love won't go away from the first windy day, and the person who loves you truly will listen to you before judging and won't believe bad things directly about you!

After a year, I went to my best friend's engagement, and there I met a charming guy, the brother of her fiancé. It was a very beautiful day! It was an autumn windy day...

To be continued...
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