Chapter 10: Best friend

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Mark and I spent months chatting with each other we got really truly close but ofcourse there had to be a problem! My feelings towards Mark started developing and as months passed I knew that the only thing I wanted was to be with him!
Mark started ghosting me , he was so manipulative in a way that he talked to me four days in a row then disappear for three ,it was as if he was in a secret job or something and when we talked he talked to me in a very loving way with future hopes as if we were in a relationship but we weren't!
Mark got me so much confused,apparentlyhe talked to many girls the thing I found out when one of them dm me saying" stay away from Mark he is mine!"but at the same time he made me feel so much special as if there is no other girl that can be even compared to me! Months passed by and the puzzling strategy continued to happen ! I was so much confused that I didn't know what to feel ! One time after he returned texting me after his " three days break" I talked coldly to him and then I asked him "What are we Mark I need to know"
He replied as a joke for the first time!
Then I said seriously:"I am not joking I need to know!"
He answered after 2 hours! He said:"My best friend"
I was shocked of his answer I mean he didn't treat me as a friend but he just said so!
I replied with a simple okay, then I decided to stop talking to him for good ,so I did for 15 days and he tried and tried to talk again but I was so angry to hear anything from him!
After 15 days passed , Mark tried again to talk to me so I let him because I am so stupid to do so! He returned to his strategy again but this time I didn't expect anything at all from him because for me he was just having fun and talking to all girls thr same way and to me I knew deep inside that he doesn't mean any word of love that he may say so I saved my heart and didn't expect much ! But ofcourse hearts don't think they feel so feelings developed a little bit for some reason! One day Mark posted something on instagram and too many girls commented on his post and he replied to them which made me really jealous! I had a fight with him because I was jealous and I stopped talking to him for about one week !
After this week Mark and I kept talking for one months straight about everything and I was really happy because this time I felt that he really changed he was so nice to me and we became closer than ever he even began throwing hints at me that he loves me I was truly happy ! Till that night we talked a lot and played the questions games one of them was who is your crush so he said my name and I said his name in return after that our talk became loving so I asked what are we now then he replied that he wanted to take it slow ,I agreed knowing it was better ! After 1 hour and after making me admit my feelings towards him ,Mark told me that he didn't want to commit he is jot ready and so many typical manipulative excuses ,so we had a huge fight I said everything I felt which made me feel relieved and then I blocked him for good!
Mark went from stranger college friend best friend crush to stranger with memories in one step!
I learned from this experience that we should never give chances to people who ghost us to people that don't know their true feelings towards us it is either they like you or not and especially don't talk to people with commitment issues!
I decided it was time to focus on myself I really didn't need anyone but my success beside me so that what I did in a magical story....

To be continued
next chapter is the last
Hope you enjoyed❤

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