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As any other first day of school, I woke up early and excited to meet new people and begin a new year in my school life. I brushed my hair, as golden as pure honey, and gathered it into two ponytails with blue bows, or as I liked to call it, the bunny ears since I had an obsession with Lola Bunny. Then, I wore my school uniform, which was a white t-shirt and a short blue skirt with white socks, and I wore my new white shoes.

After a short drive, I arrived at my school and there I saw my friends gathered all together in a circle, but someone was missing—my best friend, she was actually my only real friend, to be honest. I wasn't that popular in middle school. Anyway, I kept my tears deep down in my ocean eyes and pretended to be happy and laughing. My first day was going bad already! I went to the bathroom to wash my face since I felt the need to cry, and there I was stopped by the classroom's diva, Elena Taylor, the girl who always tried to make my life at school hell with her best friend, Julia Williams. Elena approached me, touched my face, and whispered in my ear, "Hey Lolla, were you crying? I don't care, but where's your strong best friend again?" Before I could even say anything, Julia replied, "Don't you know? She won't be in our school anymore!" So, Elena said immediately, "Oh, yeah, I remembered!" And they both started laughing with their nasty, evil laugh. At this moment, I knew that I was going to be their target to bully for the rest of this school year, especially because my bestie and I were the only girls to stand up for them, but alone I'm weak! I tried to wash out their words and went to French class as the bell rang. French class was a common class between grade eight students and grade nine students. I entered the class with my thoughts out somewhere else, and while I wasn't paying attention, I suddenly bumped into a new boy from grade nine!

He helped me get up from the ground, and as I looked up at him to say sorry, our eyes locked on each other. He was so charming with those ocean eyes, his dazzling smile, and his dark blonde hair. A moment of silence went by as I noticed that he was studying me as well, then we got back to reality as the teacher entered our class with her, "Bonjour, mes élèves!" I stood up quickly, and before I pardoned myself, he said gently, "I'm sorry, are you alright?" So, I replied with a cute smile, "No, it's my fault; I didn't see you there. I'm fine, thank you!" He asked me if he could sit next to me since he was new, so I agreed. When we sat down, the class started, and I began answering the questions in French since I was taught French since childhood; I was perfect, to be honest.

All the time, I could feel his eyes on me until our teacher wanted to give us a 15-minute break before we continue. He said directly, "You're perfect, and I know nothing in French; I've never been taught French before!" I replied to him, "Oh, thank you; you're kind. And don't worry, I will help you if you want!" He replied to me, "You would do that?!" So I answered with a smile, "Yes, of course!"

"I'm Peter, by the way, and you are?" he said. I answered him, "I'm Rosaline; you can call me Rosie. Nice to meet you!"

This was the only good thing that happened to me today! The day went by, and Elena was trying all day to annoy me, but as I remembered Peter's smile, I felt butterflies in my tummy! As the last period's bell rang, I wanted to walk home, so I felt someone putting his hand on my shoulder. I looked back and found out that it was Peter, so I smiled effortlessly. Then, he smiled back and said to me, "May I walk you home?" So I said, "Of course, this would be great."

We walked together until I reached home, and all the road, we talked and got to know each other more, and our laughs didn't stop. Then, Peter dropped me at home and said, "Rosie, it's great knowing you; thanks for everything today!" So, I blushed and told him, "No problem; it's nice meeting you too!"

As Peter went away, I felt the heat on my cheeks and the butterflies inside my tummy. In spite of everything bad that happened today, Peter really made my day better!

This is how my first crush began, innocent, childish, with no drama, yet!

But is everything like what it seems? Will drama really be away from us?!

To be continued.....
By yasmina.t
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