Chapter 7

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Chapter 7

Dave's POV

this is it, it is now or never

the moment i'll tell her i'm sorry and I love her so much

because i realize i only got one last chance to be with her

oh Joni if you only knew what you're making me, then you'll knew how crazy i am for you

Joni, how could i even tell me, if i'm going to choose being telling my feelings to you from dying, i'd rather die

that's hos shy i am of a guy

i know, i know i should tell her that's why i think it is the right moment for it

i look around the school to see her

but seems likes she's not around yet, bad luck for me

but i get to see her later during lunch break yup that's it

lunch time, this is it, she sit on table sitting with Liss facing Zac while i'm facing Liss on the other side of the table

"uhmm." i clean my throst to clear my throat to get their attention

"uhhm.....Joni" now she's facing me " so sorry a-about the other day" now i'm facing her face to look for some expressions

but i got nothing, i frowned to that, this suck i mess up again

"sure" she smile at me "were best friend okay, i know that sometimes you act like a real asshole you know" she told me straight

"is that all?" Liss making some face to me, well she knows my feelings to Joni

"uhmm.. and Joni" making all the three of them faced me

"what?" sipping to her drink

"i-i-i-i-i.....wanted to tell you t-that" now i;m sweating literally

"that?" she's smiling and waiting for answer Dave, time to man up

"i am h-having a real time without saying sorry to you" why could i just say it to her just like the other guys out there?

i'm such a mess up, i already get the change right there

now here i am bowing my head, being lame sucks

"it's okay, you already did so...congrats" i faced her with such disappointment with Liss and Zac's faces

now guys don't give that look, i've tried okay

it's that i'm really, really shy

Liss just shake her head and get back to her food

"you guys should meet Adam his a really good guy, without any friends in school" Joni changing the topic

i know who is this guy his talking about

i've seen him with her many times already

"so why is that he don't have any friend?" Liss asking Joni making a small disappointment glance at me first

"he's just so shy to make one, so I’m trying to help him, plus his a really good guy" wow a shy guy just like me but taking Joni out, how's that Dave

"okay:" Zac agreeing to what Joni just asked us

"okay" Liss too, what?, what was wrong with you guys?

now the three of them facing me again

"okay, okay but in one condition we will meet him when the three of us were here to know him okay?" i saw Liss nod to that she seems have a plan

"sure sounds fair" now things are gonna get worst.

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