Chapter 25

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Chapter 25

The next day i got up without any emotions in my face i went to school

I actually don't have any good feelings of going to school today but i have too, i missed to many lessons already

which frustrates me graduation is coming and Dave is a asshole

and his my classmate for my first and last subject for today

I hate seeing his face, it just it hurts me so bad, i trusted him not hurting me at all

that i think that was just all a dream, and happy endings only happen in fairytales, and my life is not a fairly tale

some sort of other genre, maybe horror, yeah that's it horror

when all you had to do is to kill people without thinking going to jail afterwards

I saw, Liss and Zac waiting for me in the park

"hey, it's okay he didn't worth you Joni" Liss told me and gave me a hug

I really need a hug right now, even though i lost Dave, I still got them both Zac and Liss my best friend

and Zac hug us both, i feel safe in their arms, it was just so perfect, but i can still feel like something is missing

"Joni forget about him already" i told myself

"i'm trying okay, was just so hard" and this thoughts makes me cry both in the inside and out

soon enough both lead me to my class and say a goodbye.

the class starts it was only a month till we graduate

it was really fast, seems like the days were running away from us, while we crawl to reach for our deadlines

it was a miracle, i wasn't able to see Dave right now

I just missed him so much, i'm willing to forgive him, if he just give his side

I'll be an understanding girlfriend for him, cause i love him so much not the way i loved Adam before

those days we spend as being best friends hits me, here at the center on my heart, like a knife trying to cut me inside

it sucks, this kind of feeling

our class ended but there's no Dave showing up

after my whole day in our school, Dave seems not here

I asked Liss and Zac and some friends of Dave if they saw him

but unfortunately, they didn't see him even his shadows...

this is weird i missed him so much, so bad

the next day was the last time i was him in school

we seems didn't wanted to talk to me. okay thank you Dave for silent treatment

I saw making his way to the hallway with some other girl again with him

It's another girl different from the one in the library

how do i know, because that girl was a blonde and this one is ginger or most commonly known red head

his making his way through me but he seems not wanted to look at me

closer and closer...and closer but he didn't even give me any type of checking out

I even look at his back…hoping that he might look me but he didn't. ouch Dave!

"so is this what you really wanted. fine" i told myself.

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