Chapter 28

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Chapter 28

now i'm holding Dave's was so soft and so especial to me

but still in my have the thought why did Dave hide to everyone including me

his so cute while his sleeping...the doctor told me that he only got like two week before his time comes

which cut deep here in my heart

the first one was Adam and now Dave...why do people you love and love you back have to leave?

I can't hide the tears coming from my eyes while i'm fixing his hair

Dave's mom went out for a moment...and Liss and Zac has school tomorrow like me

but i'll rather be here with Dave than school

he only got two weeks and i'll be leaving him all alone.. that's not fair

as my thought keep on going about what and whys'

Dave's hand move and hold me tighter.. he was already awake and his looking into my eyes...i can see that he was sad about all of this...and about what happen to us

"you shouldn't be here" he told me...that hurts me a little

"how can you hide all of this things to me Dave all along?" i ask him...and he just look in the mirror and pull his hands back

"Dave and talking to you...please answer me" my voice sounds like i've been crying for ages

"I love you so much...but i don't wanna hurt you" and he look at me "by leaving you all alone again"

"so do you think breaking my heart will...make me happy?" i can't hold back my tears anymore while looking deep into Dave's's like telling me to tell the truth

"i'm sorry" and he touches my hand "because i thought if we will broke'll find another guy sooner...that wouldn't die and leave your side" he added

"you know what Dave... I love you so much...that i wouldn't find another like you in this world" and i grab and hold his hand

but soon enough i'll be leaving you…and that hurts me so bad to think about.. Joni the girl i love so much being lonely..i don't want that..i want you to be happy" now his crying

"you want me to be happy?...then let me here by your side until you wanted too" and i wipe my tears

after our conversation me and Dave are back again

he accept me to be with his side until his last breath here on earth

one week past and all we just do is finish our last reports, projects and exam to graduate

sad to say Dave couldn't do it anymore because so was so sick

so i fixed all his duties and our school…so that all he have to do is attend the ceremony for our graduation

after a week it's our graduation day sad to say Dave couldn't even get out of his bed already

which hurts me every time i visit him in the hospital and sees his condition…it just broke my heart every time

i'm stilling hoping though that he could make it in our graduation.. but he wasn't able to

so instead i get his diploma in his behalf

after graduation i spend the whole time with Dave we were playing…watching feeding him...those kisses that i'll miss

the day came so fast...that after the day of our graduation day…Dave my love had passed away.

it was a very hard day for me to accept…that me sharing the bed with him until his last breath...make me feel like his so happy with me

"I can't see his smile and gonna miss it so bad.. Dave i love you so much...thank you for giving me the chance to love you"

"I won't regret the first day i've meet you...those diapers days we share till the romance and lovestory to tell the world.. for that I, i'm thankful"

this worlds i wrote and read on his funeral day... the last time i'll be seeing Dave

now here i am crying inside me room. after the funeral

I closed my eyes cause i fell tired of crying the whole time.

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