Chapter 20

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Chapter 20

Dave seems so silent inside his car

he looks like his scared and giving those side look, it’s when some look at you from the side of their eyes

" tell me Dave where are we going next then?" me breaking the silence between us two

"look behind the car" so I did follow him, I look behind the car and saw a picnic basket

"where going for a picnic?" me asking him in a very shock tone of voice, it's the very first time for him to do this

I mean i saw him dating someone and they're going for a picnic, I mean it's just so romantic

"nope we're are going for a swimming" me making my disappointed face

and crossing my arms

he touches my chin "i'm just kidding Joni" now his laughing at me it turns it that i'm so stupid

"i'm not talking you anymore, stop the car" he was now looking at me giving me the puppy eyes

"what, why?" his asking me but still he's driving the car

"i'm just kidding too" haha me making the face of a winner, now Dave you know what happens when things fire back to you

we stop on this very beautiful garden, he look for somewhere to park to

I first went outside the car and smell the wonderful and perfect smell of the flowers around me

the garden where like landscape very well

"does anyone take care of this place?" me asking Dave while he get the picnic basket

"yeah my uncle owns this place" wow i didn't know that Dave's family own this amazing place

"fancy" and then he grab me by my hands and walk near the river with a very green grass

he lay on the grass and we sit on it

he throw some rocks to the river, seems he's scared cause he use to do that when we were kids

"It was really a beautiful place" now his facing me

why do i feel weird about him, I was saying that we were friends since we were on our diapers

"yeah" why does i can see glitters in his eyes, this is really weird

we just stare at each other eyes

i'm like being swallowed by his beautiful eyes

what? beautiful eyes what did i just think, erase that one he’s my best friend

now it's amazing i can see galaxy in his eyes

now i'm starting to fall to his eyes, his brown eyes

if i could marry his eyes i will, if there's a state that allows that kind of marriage

"rrmmpp.." the sound coming from his stomach, it was funny his hungry once again

which makes me laugh and break the stare in our eyes

"sorry about that, what do you want Joni?" now grabbing some things in his basket

"you" making the joke in him

he seems heard it and drop the bottle of milk on the ground and starts rolling towards the river

both of us try our best to reach for it, so that i will not fall in the water

"I got it" we say in chorus as we touches the bottle both our hands and...


I look at him.. him looking at me

at we meet each other lips

it was amazing, i can feel butterflies in my stomach just like Adam did when we were together

his lips were so soft and i love his smell that makes me want more for his kiss..

I felt weird but in a good kind of weird, an amazing weird...

he starts touching the back of my head and me hugging him...

I've kissed my best friend

we broke up the kiss when i've heard ducks were coming towards us in the water

"I love you Joni" Dave facing the ground

why is does good guys were always shy type of guy

"I don't know but it felt weird, but a good kind of weird"

now his giving another kiss, so romantic wasn't it.

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