Chapter 27

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Chapter 27

"I wrote this part during Valentine day" yeppe! "the date was 2/14/15

so here it is


I walk up early this morning i can hear loud music from the neighbors

aren't this illegal, i mean it's public scandal...who i am kidding

it was actually a love song

thanks fortune for making this day for me a miserable one

I look at the calendar what was the date today

I heard a knock from the door

"hey honey..are you awake already?" it was my mom trying to be cool for me

well she knows what happen between me and Dave already...excepts my dad...for sure his gonna kill Dave…literary

so me and my mom were not planning on telling her

"yeah mom be right up in a sec.." and yeah the date today is February 14

myself didn't hate this day till you find yourself single, when almost everyone was with their girlfriends

haha fever clever right

things occasion which i found annoying.. brings this face in a very bad one

after having my breakfast

i've heard a beep of a car from the outside

it was Liss car she's with Zac

"mom i'll have to go, Liss and Zac was already here" and i grab my bag.

"okay honey take care. i love you "and i kiss her chicks and she kiss me back

it was awesome to feel that your parents love you no matter what

before we make our way to our school

Zac opens the radio

the songs playing were "Say something" omg

"can change the station...thanks" the next music plays about "Stay" what are they trying to kill me with their songs?

Liss change it for me. Thanks Liss

the next some was "someone like you" i really hate this radio so i turn the station for myself

and pick a new song "me and my broken heart" wow that i was so mad i just turn off the radio and stare outside the window

it was almost the last day of our school, but suddenly i didn't saw Dave in forever

he must be at home...tomorrows our graduation day

something’s wrong with him

after our class i need to go to his house and check how's his doing

as a friend...okay you got me i still got feelings for him there i said it happy?

everyone in the school seems to have someone with them

kissing in the hallway, girls getting flowers and chocolates from strangers

guys playing guitars for that special someone they like.

this kind of things hit me in the face. It was all like a flashback when Dave and I were still dating

after our class i went to, to his house

Liss and Zac come with me since they were my ride home

"are you sure about this?" Liss asked me

"yeah it was a friend talk" and i open her doors car and went to see them whispering inside the car

I can read their lips it was "good luck"

I was shock cause before i knock the door, the door opens and his mom went out

"hey Joni it's been a long time since you visited us" and she gave me a hug

"sorry about that..i'm just busy about school stuffs like that" she just nodded

"we'll is Dave in here?" her face turn to be sad when he heard Dave's name

"sorry to tell you this...."

_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _

I went back to the car trying to hold my tears deep inside

I open the door and saw Liss and Dave looking confuse about my actions

"so where's Dave?" Zac ask me

"his in the hospital all this time, and his...his condition were severe right now" and by that tears coming like they didn't wanna stop at all

Liss and me and Zac rub my back

"he's gonna be okay" Liss told me.

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