Chapter 23

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Chapter 23

In Parallel World

when Joni was just 8 years old

when everything was white, she's on the grass when you can see lights glowing in the air

these lights moves in the air, different color of lights

those lights were coming from its Parallel World, these lights came from the emotions of other people in the Parallel World

happy, sad, satisfaction, guilt, anger and many, many more

she was just sleeping in this white tree

no emotions, nothing can be feel into this world

it was just like a white room with, blue sky and lights coming from nowhere

the lights were like pollens glowing and giving nothing into this world

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Parallel World

Dave's POV

I just got out from the terrifying hospital

I can choose what food should i eat, and everything was just like a robot

you have to do things on schedule, i got no choice, if i wanted to see Joni real quick i must follow there rules

it's there place of work anyways

now i;m driving into school but before that i'll be picking up Joni in her house

uhmm it's a boyfriend/ girlfriend thing, just being a gentleman

I Beep my car and saw Joni coming out of there house, so pretty as usual

why can she be perfect without doing nothing at all

well i fall her, not just on her outside but so much more in the inside,she's just simply amazing lady

the lady of my dreams, Zac knew it i told him before his my best friend

and i even asked him to be the best man in our wedding day, and Liss to be Joni's on her side in that day

sad to say that day couldn't happen anymore, i mean the doctor told me that I couldn't last for about 2 months since i've been confined to the hospital

the next time i'll be sending to the hospital, it was my the last time i'll be in that place

I didn't think things could get worst, i only wish i'll have a year and more to be spend with Joni but i can't

but God didn't allow that one

"hey i missed you" and gave her a kiss

"hey young men that was too early, what if my parents saw us" and she pushes me away a little bit

"it's okay, i'm your boyfriend now, and i missed you so much" and gave her a hug

I just wanted to spend more quality time with Joni

since i got only few months left

"but these might shock them, really, because the life they knew you" and hug me back "you were just my best friend"

we'll she got a point, they'll be shock that for sure

"okay, i got" i raised my hands in surrender "so when are you planning to tell them?"

and i cross my arms for her to know, that i need a serious answer

"uhhm..when we get home from school later" that creeps me out a little bit

it was just so early to tell them

"but it was too early don't you think Joni"

"yes it was, but i can't hold t back anymore to tell to my parents" now i can't do anything about it

she's the boss of my life, i need to follow her cause i love her

"okay.. but you'll do the talking okay?" i'm still not sure if i can take the pressure later

"sure" and she gave me the famous Joni's smile, i definitely love her

and by that we hit the road and went straight to our school

after the stressing time of the day in our school, the most is just coming

and there just was walking with me, holding me in my arms

leading me to their house

"we can get through this...together" and I can't do anything about her convincing smile

"okay..i trust you" and she opens the door

her parents were having their dinner

"oh honey come on in.. let's have our dinner already" and i saw Joni's mother put plates on their table

"uhhmmm… i need to talk to you about something" and her mother just put the last plate very slow in the table

she seems scared what might Joni tell them

"oh honey what was that all about?" and her father is now just looking like his gonna kill both of us

she grab my hand, raise it and  show it to her parents

well hoping that they'll get the idea, i can feel that Joni's was scared well she's holding so tight

and i move my thumb and rub her hands, looking into her eyes that everything is alright.

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