Chapter 15

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Chapter 15

we just hold hands and make our jokes as we head to Adam's house

but i can see there's is something that bothers him

what could it be?

as i think of some reasons.

this is awful thinking what was in Adam's mind right now

he stop walking, but still he just look at his feet

I saw a house towards us

this might be it, his house it's pretty big

and seems like his not in the mood to walk towards his house, so i just grab him, pulling him into his house

while i keep smiling to him, i'm just going to see his place and get to know them somehow

but it’s not like we're going to introduce me, that i'm his girlfriend.

so here we are facing the door, i knock on the door

and soon enough, i saw a very fine women coming out, this could be his mom, probably

"hey ma'am good evening im..." i was been cut off already just before i finish my sentence

"are you Adam's friend?...come in we're just having prayer for his soul" she make her hand gesture, inviting me inside

what was going on in here? are we in the wrong house? this looks like trying her herself stop from crying

I was like in a total stage of shock and i was like having an ice bucket challenge while being numb at the same time

but Adam was just here at my right side, still holding his hand

I look at him, but he just keep looking at his feet the whole time

"are you kidding me ma'am, but he was just here holding my hands" now raising our both hands so that she should see

"honey you crazy, i can assure you that there's no one there, you were actually alone" what was going on. I am just about to lose my mind, when Adam starts to run

"wait!" i shouted at him, but he seems not wanted to look at me.

i'm still confuse but i need to know.

so i run as fast as i could trying to reach for him.

"Adam wait!" i still shouted my voice. Hoping he'll stop but he wasn't, i lose him already

now i stop for a moment to catch my breath. Adam why are you dead already

soon enough i felt a water running down my face

but he was real, he was warm, his my Adam, the thoughts keep playing in my head

this couldn't be, please tell me, where are you?

"Adam" i shouted very loud, but seems no one cares about me here laying on the streets, crying, broken.

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