Chapter 26

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Chapter 26

after this long weekend i decided to

to call him and text him...many several times

how many?

well like the numbers of a sand on beach

nope just kidding but seriously,

why he even answering my phone,

he always hang up

no text and call from him, he probably erase my number in his phone ouch!

I'm just here lying on my bed thinking...

did i do something wrong that he didn't like?

does he don't love me anymore

which brings tears to my eyes

I always cry day and night...

and i'm seriously tired crying

so turn my facebook and look at his profile

maybe i might get some clue why his being an asshole to me, this past weeks

and tada!


there' nothing to look for the last thing posted here on his profile

was the picture taken when we were having a picnic

I miss this place, that place...that time when we were happy together

the time when we were holding hands

and that most romantic kiss ever under that big tree

and the sound of nature, they seems like approving our love story

I don't know now, cause everything had change....

I touch his face in my laptop

"i miss you so much you you still loved to me...can you hear me?" i sound crazy when i talk, talk like this

"that's it Joni if you want answers...then go" my thoughts told me

"there's no winning in when you're not trying" sometimes i hate my thoughts

they seems to give a very challenging and very good advice sometimes

and there's even a qoute i've read before saying like

"sometimes i talk to myself, because i need expert advice"

well that applies on me very much

so i fixed my hair and went to Dave's House

I knocked the door and soon enough, i saw Dave opening the door

he seems all alone in their house

he looks a little bit skinny, is he on a diet or something

"can we talk" i told him

"sure come in" Dave make the way bigger for me and close his door

"so what do you wanna talk about" he didn't even say my name

I'm just holding all my emotions from in the inside

"do you still love me Dave?" i told him crossing my arms,

to grab some force to stop me from crying

he just look on the ground

"tell me Dave please..i'm who's been hurting in here" and i pointed my hear

"sorry....but no" that breaks my heart so bad

so bad that it came out from Dave's mouth...

seems not to care to me at all…all the time his with this other girls

"you say that to me when you look me in the eyes Dave"

i wasn't still convince that he didn't love me anymore

I just wanted him to grab my face and kiss me..

and all this thing will be forgiven

he look at me in my eyes

"Joni...I didn't" please don't say it "love you anymore and i'm sorry"

it hurts so bad that all my emotions came out

his face was still a poker face...

 he really didn't love me anymore

I'm so hurt that i just

I just slap his face so hard "you're not sorry"

and i walk out the door and ride my car and went home crying

"you're an idiot Dave" i shouted inside my rooms so hard…

that i almost run out of voice for the next days...

why Dave...

if Adam was here wasn't gonna protect me

like you’re supposed to do..


I know you're still hiding something from me.... T_T

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