Chapter 9

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Mystery POV

This takes place on September 1st so it is the day everyone is going to the school.

It was around 7:00 in the morning when I was awoken. I got out of my bed and headed straight for my room's bathroom and began to brush my teeth. Brushing out my hair I proceeded to run my hands through it so it didn't look very neat. I walked back to my room to retrieve my luggage and head downstairs. The first thing I see is my father speaking to my mother and they send me on my way to the station.


As I push my way through the crowd of people, I can hear parents crying and children wishing them farewell. Finally reaching the train, I step on and begin looking for Malfoy, Blaise, and Pansy, my "friends". Personally, I only see Blaise as my real friend, and Pansy and Draco are simply acquaintances. 

The four of us met when the Malfoys hosted a ball for pure bloods during our childhood years. I got along quite well with Blaise and our fathers introduced us to Draco and Pansy. We've been supposed friends ever since. 

I reached the compartment the three were in and sat down.

"Hello Mattheo." Greeted Pansy.

I received a, "Hey Mate." from Blaise.

And a "Riddle." with a nod of acknowledgement from Malfoy.

After that, we all began to do our own things. Draco talked shit about Potter while Pansy fawned over him and agreed with everything he said. Blaise proceeded to put earbuds in to, what I'm assuming is, listen to music. And I simply fell asleep till the train reached the school.


Once at the school, I was shaken awake and we all left the compartment and the train. Once everyone was seated in the great hall, the sorting ceremony began. However, something caught my eye, or rather someone. Professor McGonagall's voice rang out loud and clear as she spoke.

"Now now everyone, settle down. This year we have an extra special guest coming to join us. She will be in her sixth year and we all hope she will be treated warmly. Will everyone please welcome, y/n Dumbledore."

The hall went silent as we heard the doors open and out stepped a girl. She was no taller than 5'5" and had gorgeous long brown hair. She was absolutely beautiful, even in her baggy clothing, and believe me, I would never let anyone know that I'd think so.

We heard whispers coming from the sorting hat before the old girl calls out Hufflepuff.  Before the students begin to eat, Professor Dumbledore begins to speak.

"Now that everyone is all settled in, I have a few announcements to make." He claims in his raspy, yet calm soothing voice. "We will be hosting the Triwizard Tournament!" He introduces the guests from two different schools: Beauxbatons and Durmstrang. 

Dumbledore then brings up the guests and the doors burst open to reveal the gorgeous girls from Beauxbatons. They gracefully made their way to the front in their blue dresses and butterflies floating around them, enchanting the boys around them. 

Next, the young men from Durmstrang appeared, making their grand entrance. Sparks flew when their staffs hit the ground and some did flips and all sorts of tricks on their way to the front, astonishing everyone.

The old headmaster greeted both headmasters and continued to speak. "Welcome all," He says in his raspy old voice, "I have a few things to say about this year's activities." He then proceeds to talk about the Goblet of Fire and the Triwizard Tournament before saying that students have to be at least 17 to participate. A series of boos are heard before he silences the crowd of young wizards once more and a man comes up and introduces the rules of the tournament before we are all permitted to eat.


OKAY! I am SO SO SO sorry that I held off on continuing the story again, but here is the next chapter. AND YES Mattheo is in this Chapter! I hope y'all like it!

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 09, 2022 ⏰

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