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Heather's POV

I woke up in the afternoon and got ready. I ate brunch and sat on my couch while watching TV. I was bored. I was hoping that night would fall already so I could go to work and see the boyfriend again. I wish I'd caught his name.

Hours passed by and I got ready for work. The uniform was simply anything dark; preferably black, but not too dressy. A bit casual, but something that would be worn on a night out in the town.

I walked out of the flat and went to work.

I never saw the boyfriend. I was extremely disappointed. I tried to relax and not worry about it, but I couldn't. I was upset. I needed to see him, to here his voice again.

Nathan's POV

Julia finally returned to our penthouse. She didn't say a word nor did she look at me. "Please talk to me" I begged while sitting on the living room's sofa. She was in the kitchen grabbing a blood bag from the freezer. If we hadn't had the chance to feast on anyone, we'd steal blood bags from hospitals.

"You felt the connection didn't you?" she asked.

"What are you talking about?"

"We've been together for two centuries and you still can't get it through your thick skull that I can read minds."

"Fine, you're right. I felt it. What's this connection you speak of?"

She walked over to me taking a sip from the bag. "Ever heard of soul mates?"


"Well, she's your soul mate."

"I beg your pardon" I said trying to understand.

"Ever heard of reincarnation?"

"Of course."

"If we were still mortals, we'd pass on and reincarnate."

"Reincarnation is real?"

"Yes, it is very real. You see, when we're born we're meant to be with a certain person. Most of the time people or things get in the way of that."

"Why are we meant to be with a certain person?"

"Because that's just how it is. Ask the supreme power."

"Which is?"

"I couldn't tell you that. Anyway, back to reincarnation. You were supposed to die and reincarnate a few times. In this time period, you were supposed to be with someone else and it would be that girl."


"Yeah. You see, you even remember her name."

"If people who are meant to be find each other, how come they don't feel anything?"

"Because they're mortals. You're a vampire. Everything about vampires are heightened. Physical abilities, emotions, and etcetera are all heightened. Because of that, your body's senses have a strong feeling of wanting Heather. The feeling bounced onto Heather making her feel the exact same way with the same amount of desire."

"So, every time I'm supposed to die and reincarnate I'm given a different soulmate?"

"For mortals, yes. For vampires, you're forever linked to that person."

"So, centuries ago I was supposed to be with Heather? And why is it like that for vampires?"

"Correct! And because your life was never reset. So, every time she dies and reincarnates, she's still meant to be with you because you're meant to be with her."

"Well, you don't need to worry about that. If anything, you're my soul mate."

"Actually I should worry. Like I said, your emotions are heightened. You won't be able to stay away from Heather and you're feelings for her will strengthen. Eventually, I'll lose you."

"Then I guess I should stay as far away from her as possible."

"I doubt you'd be able to now that you've found her. Good luck" Julia said and walked away into our bedroom. I sat there and thought about it all. It took me this long to find my soul mate. What has she been doing in her past lives and who has she been with? This just didn't make sense. I mean it did, but why does it have to be this way?

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