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Heather's POV

It's Thursday and my fangs have already grown out and sharpened. They keep extending from my gums at the most random times and it really hurts when that occurs. We haven't been doing anything. We just talk about the old days. Well, I talk about  my few years and they talk about centuries ago.

Nathan's been acting funny. He doesn't speak much and he barely cracks a smile. I wonder what Jay must've told him. I'd ask if I weren't so scared of what the response would be. Everyone seems pretty chill, so I doubt it's anything major. It's probably about Julia, but Nathan doesn't even miss her anymore because of the soul mate thing.

"I'm going for a stroll" Nathan announced getting up from the couch.

"In the woods while the sun is setting?" I asked.

"I'm a vampire, remember?"

"Oh, yeah. I'm still getting use to all of this."

"Well hurry up would you. Two more days till you turn and we don't need anything in the way of protecting each other."

"Okay. Sorry Mr.Something's Stuck Up My Bum."

The boys chuckled and Nathan shot a look at them causing them to stop immediately. He shook his head and walked out slamming the door behind him. I turned my attention to Jay to find that he was already looking at me. "What did you tell him yesterday?" I asked.


"I'm not stupid. Was it about Julia?"


"What has she done?"

"It's personal...for Nath. Don't be too rough or angry at him. He's going through a difficult time."

"And I'm not? If he wants me to complete the transformation then he needs to set his feelings aside like the rest of us."

Jay sighed. "He'll come to his senses." He better. Why would he even still care for Julia? I thought he didn't anymore. This doesn't make any sense.

*The next day, Friday*

I woke up and found Nathan sitting on the edge of the bed. His back was faced towards me. "When did you come back?" I asked sitting myself up. "An hour ago" he replied.

"You were out all night?"


"What the hell is wrong with you? What did Julia do? You've been acting like a complete ass because of her. I thought you didn't miss her."

"What are you talking about? And I don't."

"Jay told me Julia is what got you into this mood. If you don't miss her then why are you acting like such an ass?"

"Because, I'm still somewhat human and that's what they do."

"Wow. What an excuse. You need to get out of your feelings and think of what's important right now. She's a non-factor."

He turned to me angrily. "Don't you dare talk about her like that. Just because I don't miss her doesn't mean I don't care for her. After all, she was basically my whole world."

"I'll talk about that bitch however the hell I want!" I yelled. My blood was boiling and I just felt like snapping someone's neck. Nathan's facial expression changed when he noticed I was getting angry, unbelievably angry. I don't know why I was so upset, or why I said those rude things. I couldn't control myself.

"Your emotions and senses have heightened. That's why you're acting this way. Calm down and take deep breaths."

I took his advice and began to feel calm. "Sorry about that. I didn't even know what I was saying or where it was all coming from."

"I know. Your just unleashing some undiscovered feelings. You'll learn to control your emotions eventually. I can't say when, because it's different for everyone. You have to train yourself for it."

"Oh, okay. When do I get my speed and strength?"

"You've probably already got it. Try running around and picking up furniture."

"Alright." I got up and relaxed myself trying to concentrate. I imagined myself running around at the speed of light. I lifted one leg and dropped it. I instantly found myself on the other side of the room. I was so stunned that I covered my mouth. This is absolutely amazing! A smile broke out on my face.

Nathan laughed while looking at me. "Shall I test out my strength now?" I asked after removing my hand from my mouth. "Go ahead" Nathan said still laughing. I walked over to the bed and placed my hands around one of the legs. Without much effort, I lifted the bed easily. My smile grew bigger.

"How about a morning game of tag?" I suggested.

"You're i-"

I didn't allow him to finish by taking off. I went outside and ran everywhere. I used my newly heightened senses to track his movements. I hid behind a tree trying to hear for footsteps. I turned around to continue running in the direction I was previously running in.

Out of nowhere Nathan popped up. I jumped from being startled. He tapped me on the shoulder saying "Tag your it. You've made this game easier than I expected. Unfortunately for you, I make it hard." And with that he took off with me trailing right behind him.

We finally stopped playing and we went back into the cabin. The time we spent playing was absolutely thrilling. Not once did I break a sweat or grow tired. I just wish I hadn't run around in my now dirty pajamas.

"Hello love birds" Max said teasing while drinking out of a blood bag. "Good to know you guys are at good terms with each other and that Mr.Something's Stuck Up My Ass is gone."

I giggled at Max's joke. "Ha ha ha! Yes keep laughing at a stupid joke" Nathan said sarcastically making me laugh harder. "And she does as I say" Nathan said.

"Lovely to see you guys are okay" said Siva walking out of the bedroom he shared with Jay.

"They were playing tag" Max said.

"Then I take it she's gained her speed along with everything else. Tomorrow's going to be a big day. You're going to complete the transformation. In order to prevent any mishaps, we better train you."

"What do you mean?" I asked.

"We've got to teach you how to use your abilities so you can defend yourself and hunt down your...beverages."

"And by beverages you mean humans which I'll have to drink blood from?"


"I won't be killing anyone, right?"

"That's if you can stop yourself from sucking them dry. Newborns usually end up killing them."

"You guys will stop me, right? If I lose control you'll stop me?"

"No, you have to stop yourself. That's the only way you'll learn to control yourself."

"That's just fantastic. Now I'm going to go around killing everyone."

"Don't worry. I'll watch over you" said Nathan.

I gave him a smile and he sent one back to me. "Lets start the training now" Tom ordered popping out from the room he shared with Max.

We went about the day getting me into shape. I learned several techniques on how to easily kill vampires and find myself meals. Surprisingly, I'm not bothered by the thought. It's probably due to The Vampire Diaries and the thrill I have for watching gory stuff. I'm not a psycho or anything; it's just really cool and interesting.

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