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Heather's POV

I batted my eyes open while stretching. I looked at Nathan who was asleep beside me. A smile grew on my face and didn't want to stop.

The sun had already hidden itself. I got up and turned on the lights. I saw a blurred object in the corner of my eye and looked to the other end of the room.I didn't see anything.The blurred object reappeared.

I saw a woman. She had long dark brown hair and beautifully tanned skin. She was wearing old clothing from many centuries ago.

"They're coming" she said. "Run before they get to you." She disappeared into nothing, but her eyes remained. They lit up into a bright silver color.

I exclaimed "Nathan" while waking up. He shook from being startled. His eyes shot open popping out of his head. "What wrong?" he asked, quickly sitting up.

"Adonia. She appeared in my dream. She said to run; they're after us."

"The council?"

"I believe so."

"Okay. Hurry and get dressed."

We got up and quickly put on our clothing. We ran outside only to find an army of vampires circled around us. Amongst them was Julia and what appeared to be the ring leader who was directly facing me. He stepped forward. I was right.

"Heather darling, you didn't like my deal?" he asked.

"Who are you?" I replied angrily. "Address yourself in the correct manner" I ordered.

"Oooo. I see you're not taking a liking to me. I like that you don't like playing around which makes it all the more fun for me. I like games. So why don't we play one?'

"After you introduce yourself."

"Oh how rude of me!" he said with a laugh. "My name is Barron. I'm the leader of the southern council of Great Britain."

"And let me guess, you've come to kill me."

He giggled mischievously. "Actually, I have other intentions. I wouldn't want such a powerful vampire as yourself to go to waste."

"What are these intentions you speak of?" Nathan asked stepping in front of me.

"Ha ha! I think she's quite capable of protecting herself. After all, she's much more stronger than you are."

"Answer my question" Nathan said raising his voice slightly.

"Woahoho! Relax. Know your place in my presence. You will treat me with the utmost respect. Any who, my response is simply to use her strength and whatever other amazing abilities she contains."

"For what?"

"Personal use" he said sarcastically. "To protect the council members."

"Do you thirsty bloodsuckers care for anything else besides yourselves? It's always the council this, the council that. Well here's what I have to say about the council" I said. I stepped forth in front of Nathan. I slowly turned pointing at each vampire while saying "Each member of the council or who ever serves them will be erased from this planet, decapitated, demolished."

Barron walked up to me after my 360 degree turn. He looked me up and down as I gave him my mean face. I don't exactly know what it looks like, but it left him with his eyebrows raised in slight shock. "Touch any of us and your beloved parents' heads will be removed from their bodies." Behind him in a distance, a pair of vampires walked forth dragging my parents on the floor.

I grew angrier. I felt as if fire was traveling all throughout my body. I felt my fangs emerge and extend from my gums. They sharpened and stung my tongue. I opened my mouth fiercely and displayed them to Barron.

"Let them go" I demanded, my temperature still rising.

"Or what?"

"Or this!" I heard some one yell from my right. It was one of Nathan's friends. Siva, Max, Tom, and Jay charged without mercy and began snapping the heads of vampires. Everyone turned their attention to the boys and went after them. I faced Barron again only to find him beside my parents' bodies.

Without hesitation, I charged for him. He kept dodging my blows while Nathan took care of the vampires handling my parents. "You're quite quick on your feet" said Barron. "And the death of your council will be quick too" I replied.

I broke off a branch from a nearby tree and attempted to jab Barron in the stomach. He grabbed it from my hand and threw it behind him. "You know, most non-members of the council are quite fearful of me, yet you aren't at all. They can sense my strength. You on the other hand, you can sense it and it doesn't bother you. How is that it doesn't intimidate you?"

"Because I know I can kill you and I'll stop at nothing to do so."

He looked at me angrily and took off within a blink of an eye. I browsed around my surroundings and couldn't find him anywhere. At that point I was more than angry. I don't think there's even a word to explain how I felt. "BARRON, COME BACK HERE AND FACE ME!" I yelled. It was extremely loud causing everyone to stop fighting and look to me.

My eyes met Julia's. She came after me running at a humans' speed. I stood there waiting. I was so eager. I wanted to shred her into bits.

I positioned myself in a stance enabling me to jump on top of her. Before I had the chance to do so, Nathan came and swooped Julia off her feet and onto a tree.

Nathan's POV

"Stop this madness; get your friends and leave, or die" I said to Julia as we were sat up on a tree's branch.


"Leave" I said cutting her off.

"She's going to kill us all. Then you'll be the last one on her list. She's saving the best for last."

"As long as she doesn't drink from the human vein, this now disgraceful species will live on."

"So be it. Just remember one thing; I love you."

"My apologies, but my feelings for you are not mutual."

She frowned. "They'll be when Heather's dead" she said and then ran off with what was left of her group.

To be continued.

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