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Nathan's POV

I gasped taking a huge breath of air. I'd just resurrected after my neck was snapped. My eyes took a while to adjust to the light in the room. Once they did, I saw that I was in a cell below ground in the Southern council's head quarters.

I was sat on a chair made out of metal. My hands were in cuffs behind the chair.

Just my luck. I should've known Julia was up to something. Why else would she have visited my place? As I said before, my stupidity will be the death of me.

I heard footsteps walking up behind me. Once the person reached me, they stopped and wrapped their arms around my neck. They bent over and brought their head to the side so that I could see them. It was Julia.

"You're finally up" she said with a smile. I kept a straight face. "Are you mad?"

"What do you think?" I asked in response.

"You're only bait. Don't get upset."

"You've kidnapped me to try and steal my girlfriend. How can I not be upset?"

"We're not going to kill her. I would if I could." She mumbled the last sentence.

"Well, she certainly wouldn't want to work for the council. So, why wouldn't you?"

Julia sighed. "I guess you'll just have to find out yourself."

"Julia" I heard a voice from afar call.

"Barron?" I asked.

"Yeah. I'll be back to keep you company." And with that, she took off, locking me in the cell.

Heather's POV

After Tom and Jay came to Siva's place, we were all handed hand guns which contained pointy wooden bullets, or miniature stakes. Being the newborn, they gave me the smallest gun. It doesn't really matter anyway. I'm still insanely strong compared to them all.

"What are we going to do? We're just gonna go there and start shooting all the vampires?" Tom asked.

"No, we'll try seeing what exactly Barron wants. If we can come to an agreement all will be... somewhat well. If we don't, then it'll be a massacre" Siva replied.

"Sounds good to me" said Jay with a smirk. He turned to me. "Are you ready for this?"

"Yeah, I think" I replied.

"You're very strong, so there isn't much to worry about. If you have any suspicions or feel like a vampire in the room is up to no good, kill them without hesitation. Your instinct will be right completely almost all of the time. If we do fight, don't pay attention to us three, because anything can catch you off guard. Just rip off their heads."

I nodded. "Alright, we're all set to go?" asked Tom. He looked around and gave a reassuring nod. We then took off into a bad part of London.

We went into an old, cold, dark, and empty building. It looked as if it were falling apart. I felt that I'd make the building collapse if I were to lightly lay a finger onto the walls.

"Why are we here?" I asked confused.

"Follow and you'll see" said Tom.

We walked through a hallway. At the end was a wooden door. Siva opened it exposing a stairwell. There was light at the bottom.

"This is it?" I asked.

"Yup" Jay replied from behind me.

Siva went down the stair case with Tom following behind him. "Go" said Jay. Obeying his orders, I began down the steps and so did he.

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