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A cough turned to a gag. A gag turned to small sobs. He stared up at Pearl, hunger for help apparent in his eyes. She didn't catch on. All she saw was cold, dimmed eyes that barely glistened under the blazing sun. He was hot. His body was filtered with pain and sweat. He was confused.

"Sausage?" Pearl asked, staring at him with worry, yet a piece of her face showed fear. He hated it. He said nothing, only glaring at the ground as to not draw attention to him. It was close. His death was close. He knew it. A worried smile plastered his face as he stood up.

Where is it? The artefact he had in his pockets was no longer there. Panicking, he searched the barrels and... nothing. He and Pearl talked for a little bit, waving to each other as they headed home.

How could he have lost it? What happened to it? Where did he put it? He didn't know why he couldn't remember where it went. He swore he didn't take it out of his pocket. He was getting colder, despite the warmth that the sun had planted on him.

The days drew near, and with each passing day he became less of Sausage, but more of Xornoth. More of a puppet for the demon to use him for. Why did he make a deal with him? Power? Was it worth it? He wanted to let the tears drop as he struggled home to cuddle with Bubbles, yet somehow, he was dragged towards the summoning circle.

He stared at the cursed area, heaving a sigh before chanting words he didn't understand. He blacked out.

Just like last time. Just like all the other times, he had done this.

He was going to die, and he accepts the fate he has bought upon him. He hopes Joey can snap out of whatever trance he's been put in. He's scared.

He's alone.


Words: 326

Wow, i ain't posted a oneshot since April, it's now September!

Anyway, you may haVe expected DSMP, nope! This is EmpiresSMP, and i recommend it! There's a lot of lore but it is so much better than DSMP :D

anyways, uh, idk wot else to put here but 


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