Chapter 10

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Nezha's been in her room for a couple months now. Her parents have been extremely worried about her. They noticed that she's been eating more and have been gaining weight as well. " I'm worried about her, my love. She hasn't been out in 9 months!" Lady Yin said to her husband. " I am worried about her as well. But Nezha's been going through a lot lately. She probably needs this time to be alone." Li Jing said.

Little did the two know, Nezha knew why she was gaining weight and why she ate more too. The teenage female laid on her bed and rubbed her belly to sooth the pains from the kicking inside her. " Hey, you guys are hurting mommy." Nezha whispered as she rubbed her stomach. And as if the beings inside her heard her, they softened their kicks and Nezha smiled softly.

Nezha sighed as she thought about Ao Bing. Tears started to roll silently down her cheeks when she remembered what happened between them 9 months ago. " I think that it's time for me to go out now." Nezha said to herself as she sat up. She groaned in pain when she stood up and then she chanted the spell for her hoop to go back around her neck.

Once she transformed, most of the pain and all of the appearance of her pregnancy went away and she sighed in relief. " Why didn't I do this a couple of months ago?" Nezha questioned as she put her hands in her pants and casually walked out of her room.

Nezha's parents and Taiyi were talking about Nezha's birthday and how much her much was worried about her. They also talked about how Nezha was destined to die on her birthday, but Li Jing had other plans. After the adults finished talking, they walked out of the room and their eyes widened when they saw Nezha. " Hi mom. Hey dad." Nezha said with a calm look on her face. Lady yin smiled brightly and hugged Nezha tightly. " Nezha!! I was so worried about you!!! Are you alright? Were you sick? What happened?" She asked her.

Nezha moved away from her and sighed. " I just had some problems and I needed a lot of time to myself. I'm fine now you guys." Nezha lied. Nezha grunted when she felt a powerful kick inside of her and tried her best to hide her pain. Her parents sighed in relief and they both smiled at her. " That's good to hear. We're glad that you are alright. Me and you mother were going to tell you about a party that we're throwing for your birthday. All of the villagers will be there for you." Li Jing said.

Nezha frowned at the mention of the villagers. " Why would they want to come? They hate me." Nezha said. Lady Yin looked at her concerned and then Li Jing walked up to her. " I told them that you were the one who protected that little girl from the demon all the months ago. I also told them that you left them alone because you liked being alone in the forest. So they decided to come to your birthday party to apologize for their behavior." He said. Nezha's eyes widened a bit and then she crossed her arms and grunted. " It's about time they acknowledge me." Nezha said.

" So will you go?" Lady Yin asked. " Yeah. There's nothing else for me to do." Nezha said. After that, Nezha walked back to her room and decided to write a note to a certain someone.

At the beach, a horn was heard from miles always and there at the seashore stood Nezha as she sighed. ' Why am I doing this? It's not like he's going to-..' " Why did you call me?" Nezha dropped the horn Ao Bing gave her when she saw him standing behind her. She looked down and walked towards him and hugged him a little.

" W-Will you go to my birthday party, please? I know that all of the villagers will be there, but they never cared for me like how you did. I just wanna have a reason to be happy about my birthday, so please." Nezha said to him. Ao Bings eyes softened at her and he rubbed her head. " Alright, I'll go." He said. Nezha's eyes widened and she looked at him shocked. " Y-You will?" She questioned him.

He nodded and she smiled. Ao Bings heart soared when he saw Nezha smile after a long time. Then he frowned when he realized something. " Nezha, why're talking to me in this form?" Ao Bing asked her. Nezha looked away when he said this. ' I can't tell him. Not after what happened before.' She thought.

" Oh, I'm just in a hurry that's all!" She said scratching the back of her head. Ao Bings brow furrowed when she said that. He knew she was lying, but he decided to keep quiet about it. Nezha told Ao Bing bye and quickly left the blue haired male. Ao Bing sighed in disappointment and then he hurried home too.

Once Nezha got home, she smiled at the thought of Ao Bing coming to her birthday and then she groaned in pain when she felt one of her children kicking her. " I know that whoever's doing that is going to be a pain in my butt once you come out."



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