Chapter 3

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" Nezha!" Nezha's parents called out as they jumped into the painting. They helped Taiyi up and they looked at Nezha disapprovingly, " Are you alright? You don't look so good Taiyi." Li Jing said to Taiyi. " Oh, I'm fine! I'm a demigod after all!" Taiyi said. After that little incident, Taiyi and Li Jing ended up training Nezha for a bit, and then somehow she escaped from the painting.

" I should go find some demons around!" Nezha said to herself while running. Nezha was jumping over people's houses and then she stopped at someone's backyard to rest. " Man, there's no one out here!" " Or is there?" Nezha heard a weird voice say. Nezha turned around slowly and then she looked up and saw a demon. " AHH!! A DEMON!!" Nezha shouted pointing at him. He smirked and then he tried to attack her, but Nezha punched him in the face hard and he got scared. The demon turned into water and started to run away but Nezha was following him the entire way throwing fire at him. The townspeople were at the ocean getting water until someone noticed that smoke was coming from their houses! " Ugh, it must be Nezha again!" Someone exclaimed. Everyone groaned and hurried up doing what they were doing so they could stop Nezha from burning their homes down.

Meanwhile, with Nezha, she was currently still chasing the demon everywhere throwing fire everywhere still. Soon, the demon hid in one of the large barrels the town's people put their water in. " I know you're hiding there! And I'm going to make sure you come out!!" Nezha shouted and then she blew a huge ball of fire. The town's people came and stared at Nezha horrified as she blew the fire at the water that they collected. " I know you're here! Come out demon!" Nezha said throwing the barrels. Soon, she saw water running away from her, and then she smirked and started following it. While she was following the demon, it decided to take a little girl too fast for her big brother to see. When he saw Nezha, he gasped, and then he growled and ran back to tell the townspeople that Nezha " kidnapped" the little girl.

Once Nezha got to where the demon stopped, she immediately tried to attack him but he dodged her smirking. Nezha kept trying to attack the demon, but he kept dodging all of her attacks. Nezha grew frustrated and was about to take the ring off of her neck until she saw a flash of white and then the demon went flying. Nezha turned around and glared at the person, " Why'd you do that?! I had him!" Nezha yelled at the person frustrated. " What?" The guy questioned. " Don't act stupid! Didn't you see me fighting the demon a minute ago?!" Nezha said trying to attack him. " Where are your par-.." He stopped when Nezha kicked them in their stomach. " What was that for?!" The guy in white questioned Nezha. But she just ignored him and then they started fighting. The demon looked at them confused and then he smirked and got an idea. While the two were fighting, the demon blew bubbles all around them and then he continued watching them while holding the little girl in his arms.

Nezha was still fighting the guy and soon she ended up taking his hood off. " Horns?" She questioned staring at him. He tried to hide them looking away and soon Nezha was about to go up to him until a bubble touched her hand. As soon as it touched her, her hand turned into stone! " Huh?" Nezha said as she looked around and saw that she and the guy were surrounded by bubbles. " Hah! You guys fell into my trap! These bubbles can turn anyone and anything into stone, except for me of course." The demon said popping one of the bubbles. Then he ate the little girl and smirked at them. The guy that was fighting Nezha, heading straight towards the demon while dodging all of the bubbles, and then once he got up close, he punched the demon in his stomach and then he spit the little girl out. But what the guy didn't know, was that the demons' spit was what turned them into stone!

Nezha balled her fist and then she charged straight towards the demon trying to attack him, but he just blew bubbles everywhere. Then Nezha got an idea and picked up the guy and used him as a shield and a weapon against the demon. After she beat the demon up, he cowered in fear and begged for mercy. " Give me the antidote for this! Or you'll regret it!" Nezha said angrily. The demon blew mucus out of his nose and gave it to Nezha. She stared at it disgusted and drank it quickly and then she looked at the guy that was still stone. " What about him? His mouth is stoned." Nezha said. " Well, you could also rub it on." The demon said smiling nervously. Nezha gasped and then she glared at him. " Why didn't you tell me that?!" She questioned him. " Because you didn't ask." And with that, he got punched in the face. Nezha started rubbing the mucus all over the guy and soon he and the little girl turned back to normal.

The guy smelled his clothes and made a face of disgust and then he glared at the demon. " Spare me, please! I don't want to die!" The demon pleaded. " You gave us the antidote. I'm grateful for that. Just never come here again and I won't kill you." The guy said. The demon thanked him and then left. The guy turned his attention back to Nezha as he watched the little girl give Nezha something. Nezha smiled and thanked her and then she started kicking it around. Nezha kicked it over to the guy and then he did a few moves and kicked it back. " Hey, what's your name? I'm Nezha, by the way." Nezha said. " I'm Ao Bing." The guy said smiling at her. Then his brow rose, " Shouldn't you be at home with your parents, Nezha?" Ao Bing questioned her. Nezha frowned she looked away. " I've never told anyone this, but I'm actually older than I look," Nezha said.

Ao Bings' eyes widened as he saw her chant something and then a beautiful girl about his age emerged. " This is actually what I look like. I don't know why my parents hide me though, maybe because I'm ugly." Nezha said looking away. Ao Bing walked up to her and Nezha blushed from embarrassment when she saw that he was still taller than her. " No, you're not Nezha. You're the most beautiful person I've ever seen." Ao Bing said moving some of her hair out of her face. Nezha blushed even more and then she backed away and smirked. " How about we continue our game shall we?" Nezha said. Ao Bing smirked as well and moved a little farther back and then the two continued playing until it started getting dark. Nezha went back into her small self and looked at Ao Bing upset. " Do you really have to go?" Nezha questioned him. He nodded and then he bent down to her height, " Don't worry, I'll come and visit sometimes." Ao Bing said. Nezha smiled and hugged him. " It would be best if we kept this a secret Ao Bing. That way we can spend more time together." Nezha said. " You're right. See you next time!" Ao Bing said waving and then he left.

A little bit later the townspeople came with weapons and fire and tried to attack Nezha, but she fought all of them and was about to kill an old man until she got tied up. Li Jing and lady Yin came and got Nezha and took her home. Meanwhile, with Ao Bing, he told his father and master about how his training went, and then he was dismissed. While Ao Bing was at home, all he could think about was how beautiful Nezha looked when she showed him how she truly looked. " I have to see her again, soon."

To be continued...

Ohhh, Nezha and Ao Bings' love story is starting! Tell me what you guys think!

Our little secret! ( A Nezha fanfiction)Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon