Chapter 2

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After that very special day, the baby Nezha grew up to be a beautiful teenage girl. Well, in her case. Her parents kept the ring on her neck so she wouldn't lose herself and her powers won't go out of control. It also kept her from looking like her original age. But what they didn't know, was that Nezha could take off the ring if she wanted to. Nezha didn't know how or why, but she just thought that it was normal. 

Nezha was currently playing with her mother but it was a bit rough. Her mother didn't mind though. She also liked doing Nezha's hair and dressing her up. Nezha didn't mind that either, sometimes. " Okay Nezha, I have to go now. Make sure you're good while I'm gone, alright?" Lady Yin said. Nezha nodded, " Okay! Bye." She said. Her mom kissed her forehead and put her armor on and then she left. Nezha sighed as she saw her mother walk away. Oh, how she wishes to go wherever she pleased, but she couldn't because of what she was. But she wasn't aware of that though. She decided to walk around a bit and then soon she wanted to have a little fun. She went to the gate and decided to mess with the guards a little bit. She threw a rock at one of them and he got mad and looked at his partner but saw that he was just picking his nose. He decided to ignore it and sat back down. Nezha got an even bigger rock and threw it at the same guy. This time he was pissed and attacked his partner. While they were fighting, Nezha just casually walked out the gate and headed to town.

Everyone in town was just living peacefully and walking around until they heard Nezha counting. " It's Nezha! Hide!" A man that sounded like a female said. Everyone hurried up and hid in different places in the town. Once Nezha finished counting, she looked around bored, and then she smirked. " Found ya!" She yelled after she found the first group of people. They all screamed and started to run away. She kept finding everyone and soon went to go find her " favorite" group of boys. They were discussing how to get rid of Nezha and then another one of their friends came. But what they didn't know, was that their friend was Nezha! She explained how she set up all of the traps for " Nezha" and they smirked. " Perfect! We just need to add a little touch to the mud." The leader said and then he and his friends peed in the mud and threw urchins in it. " Hey, how did do all of this anyway?" The leader asked Nezha. She smirked inside of the mask, " I don't know, maybe because...I know how to set up a great trap!" She said taking the mask off. Their eyes widened and then accidentally ran through all of the traps and ended up in the mud.

Soon, their real friend came tired, " Guys! Nezha attacked me and took all of my clothes!" He said. They glared at her and she just shrugged her shoulders smiling and started walking away until the leader of the group called her the name she despised the most, demon. " What did you just call me?" Nezha questioned him turning around. " You heard me. I said that you are a stupid, ugly, demon! You monster!" He yelled at her. Nezha growled and walked over to a boulder and kicked it at them, but something grabbed the boys and moved them out of the way before the boulder could hit them. The boulder ended up hitting a nearby mountain and it got destroyed. " Nezha! You know you shouldn't be hurting people!" Nezha's father, Li Jing said. Nezha turned around and glared at him, " But I didn't do anything. They ran into the trap themselves." Nezha stated calmly trying not to start another argument with her father. He frowned and then he told the demi-god, Taiyi to make sure Nezha stays in the mansion until her parents saw she could leave.

Nezha got bored and was pissed off at her parents. " Ugh! It's so damn boring here!" Nezha said. " You shouldn't be saying that kind of language young lady." Her mother scolded. Nezha looked at her bored and looked back at her ceiling. Her mother sighed and then she walked away. Nezha decided to walk around her house for a bit and then she saw a scroll that had a painting in it floating. " Woah," Nezha said as she approached it. As soon as she touched it, she ended up falling on a grassy hill. " Huh?! Where am I?!" " You're in the painting. As soon as you touched it you appeared here." Nezha heard Taiyi say. She turned around and saw him and he smirked. Then he got out his paintbrush and then he made the tree beside Nezha into a boat and they all of a sudden ended up inside it and he kept creating ways for them to ride everywhere.

First, they went down a waterfall, and then Taiyi created a whole lot of loops, and after that, they ended up in a river in the air, and finally, the ride was over. " Woah," Nezha said after they got off. " I know. Pretty cool, right? You know, I could teach you sometime. You could call me master." Taiyi said. Nezha looked at him and scoffed. " Call you master? Please!" She said turning around and looking everywhere.  Taiyi frowned and then he grinned evilly and turned the rock in front of her into scissors, and then he started changing everything else. Soon, he changed everything else back, and then Nezha scoffed. " I can learn all of that by myself watch!" She said. She chanted the spell and then nothing happened. She kept saying it but still, nothing happened, " Ugh! It isn't working! You know what, I'm going home! Where can I leave?" Nezha questioned Taiyi. " You can't leave unless you have this, Nezha. But since I have it, you're not going anywhere." Taiyi said eating. Nezha smirked as she watched him eat. " You do know those are poisonous right?" Taiyi's eyes widened and then his entire body swelled up and he collapsed.

Soon, Nezha's parents came into the painting, and then that's when Nezha knew,

She was in big trouble

To be continued...

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