Chapter 4

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" Nezha has been oddly happy than usual, don't you think darling?" Lady Yin said to her husband. " Yes, that is a bit odd. But we should be happy since she always seems so sad all the time." Li Jing said. " Yes, you're right." Lady Yin said, and with that, they left Nezha alone. Little did they know, Nezha listened to their entire conversation and waited until they left so she could go see Ao Bing.

Nezha stood at the ocean shore and was about to blow into the seashell Ao Bing gave her while in her original form until she felt two arms around her waist. Nezha's eyes widened and then she flipped the person over. " Ow." Ao Bing groaned. Nezha gasped and helped him up, " I'm so sorry Ao Bing. Are you alright? I thought that you were someone that was going to attack me." Nezha said helping him up. " It's fine. Anyway, since i'm here now, what do you want to do?" Ao Bing asked her. " We could go for a walk for a bit. And also I made some food." Nezha said bringing a basket out. " You can cook?" Nezha looked at him like he was dumb, " Ao Bing, i'm a woman. Obviously i've been taught everything a woman needs to know how to do." Nezha said.

Ao Bing looked away blushing from embarrassing and then the two started walking down the ocean shore talking about life. " So, you don't get along with your village people, or they don't like you?" Ao Bing questioned Nezha. " They don't like me. They call me demon, throw things at me, and i'm called really bad names. I'm used to it though. But now that you're here Ao Bing, I don't need to worry about that anymore." Nezha said laying on Ao Bing. He smiled and then he laid his head on her, " Are you hungry?" Nezha asked him. He nodded and then she opened the basket. Nezha set their plates and then the two started eating.

" So, how is it?" Nezha asked Ao Bing. " It's very good. Do you mind making food every time we meet?" Ao Bing asked her looking away. Nezha smiled and then she nodded. After the two finished eating, they decided to play the game they played first time they met and after that Nezha decided that she wanted to fight. " Fight? I thought women didn't fight." Ao Bing said. " Well, I do. You've seen me fight before Ao Bing. Come on, let's not go all out okay? I don't want to explain bruises to my parents." Nezha said getting in a fighting stance. Ao Bing shrugged his shoulders and then the two started fighting. To them battle seemed like a normal one, but to a normal person's perspective, their fight seems like a battle to the death.

Nezha and Ao Bing fought for a while until Nezha ended up on top of Ao Bing. The two frowned at each other until their faces relaxed and then their faces came closer until the two kissed. Ao Bing put his hands on Nezha's hips and then he flipped her over and they continued kissing until Nezha eyes widened as she remembered that they just met the other day! She pushed Ao Bing off before he could do anything  else and he looked at her confused. " Nezha, why did you-..." " We shouldn't do this Ao Bing. It's too soon, and you barely know me. We should wait." Nezha said looking away. Ao Bings eyes widened and he hugged her, " Forgive me, Nezha. I'll wait until you're ready." Ao Bing said. Nezha smiled and soon the two departed.

When Nezha got home, her parents looked at her disappointed and then she frowned. " Why are you two angry now?" She asked them annoyed. " Why do you keep sneaking out?" Li Jing questioned her. Nezha rolled her eyes, " Because it's boring here. I want to go outside! Why won't you guys let me?!" Nezha questioned them. " Because it's too dangerous Nez-.." " No it's not! You guys just want to keep me locked up in there because i'm a monster!" Nezha yelled at them and she ran away. Nezha ended up back in the forest where her and Ao Bing was earlier. Nezha sat down and brought knees up to her chest and started to cry, " I'm just a monster. That's why they want me to stay up there. They're embarrassed  of me..." She said to herself. Nezha stood up and started walking for a bit while having some really bad thoughts.

Soon she ended up at a cliff and looked down. ' I wonder how it feels to jump down.' She thought taking a step. Nezha was about to fall until two arms grabbed her waist and pulled her back. " Nezha, what are you doing?!" Nezha's eyes widened as she heard Ao Bing's voice. He hugged her from behind and the started to cry, " Were you really...going to kill yourself just now?" He questioned her. Nezha's senses came back and she looked at the cliff and covered her mouth and started to cry too. " I'm sorry! I'm so sorry Ao Bing!" She said hugging him. Ao Bing looked her in the eye and kissed her without hesitation. Nezha's eyes widened when he did that and soon he pulled away. " Don't you ever do that again? Okay? I don't know what i'd do if I lost you Nezha! It's like....I have some kind of connection to you." Ao Bing said to her. Nezha smiled at him and hugged him once more, " Th-Thank you for saying that Ao Bing. You have no idea how much that means to me!" Nezha said while crying. The two ended up sleeping in the forest together that night hugging each other.

Is this the two's step closer to finding out about their true feelings?

To be continued...

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