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Waiting for Farcry 6 is hard so I decided to write another chapter 

Enjoy :)

//// - Kiyo likes attention (Cringe)

Ayanokouji Kiyotaka finished his training in the WR 

so he was looking for something new to do 

Kiyo: Hey old man 

Ayanopapa: hm?

Kiyo: I want to enroll in ANHS, I believe Sakayapapa is your 'friend' 

Ayanopapa: Very well anything else?

Kiyo: I want your help with a good entrance for the first day 

*time skip*

The new students arrived at their new school

they started to gather at the Gymnasium (??) when

They heard a helicopter 

Almost every first year, teacher and even the senpais watched as a helicopter landed near the school (in a open space like a park? idk) 

They looked at a student that exited the helicopter

Kiyo: Well time to cause some chaos 

Yeah this was cringe but ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

//// - AyanoGroup (timeline? idk xD) 

Keisei: So what are we doing here?

Keisei asked Haruka because she suddenly called Akito, Airi and Keisei for 'something important' 

Haruka: Well you see, I wanted to spy on Kiyopon!

The others: Ehh?

Airi: Eh? are you sure about that Haruka-san? 

(Yes, she won't stutter anymore .... probably) 

Akito: Wait, why?

Haruka: Well, you know how I won a small drone because of the 'spicy food competition' that happened last week? 

Keisei: Yes, you won because you were the only one who participated but why do you want to spy on Kiyotaka? 

Haruka: Well


Haruka was walking through the park since lessons are over and she noticed something

Her friend, Ayanokouji Kiyotaka was sitting at a bench while a girl with long white hair and red eyes was sitting on his lap 

Haruka quickly left the park so she won't be found

While she didn't want to interfere into her friend's personal life, she couldn't help but want to uncover what her friend is usually with other people

*flashback end* (Also Kiyo was enjoying Kiryuuin's thighs so he didn't care about the person that ran away)

When Haruka finished explaining what she saw, the other 3 were shocked

Akito: Wow Kiyotaka sure is lucky huh?

Airi: wait white hair? isn't that Kiryuuin-senpai? 

Keisei: Doesn't matter, we need to warn Kiyotaka so he doesn't get expelled for doing 'that'

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