Preparing for the mission

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Disclaimers: All these things are made up, so don't hate on me if it doesn't make sense in real life. There will be fighting scenes. Also, don't hate on my grammar. I'm Dutch. The guy on the cover is Alexandro.

Damn, he really looks like me. I stare at the picture that has been shoved in my hand. It is like I am looking in a mirror. The underboss clears his throat to catch my attention. "We have all the information you need in here." He hands me a big, dark red envelope. I give him a quick nod, then I leave the room. I head home to read all the papers that have been given to me. As I walk inside my house, I am still shaking. This is going to be my first mission and it isn't an easy one. I feel a mix of excitement and nausea. I go to my room. I can hear my roommate Ben showering from here. I open the envelope, spreading the papers on my desk. I see Noah's ID and pick it up. 

Name: Noah Martini

Date of birth: 09-08-1997

Place of birth: New York, United States

I get more curious about the guy that I will become. I start reading a paper with information about Noah. We might lookalike, but our personality is totally different. He doesn't talk often. That might be the hardest thing about this mission. I have to find out secret information, but can not ask questions. If people notice the personality change, they might suspect something. I keep on reading. I grab another paper. This one is about the rules of the Emerald Empire. If you ask me, the name is a bit exaggerated. Sure, their gang is big, but an Empire? They will never come that far.

Especially not if I find out all their secrets. To do so, I must memorize their rules. I have to blend in completely. The underboss also stated I won't have longer than a week. They are a strong company, so they will find out that I am a spy. We just have to hope I have gathered enough information by that time. I reread everything for the seventh time. I think that is good enough for now. I look at my phone to check how late it is. The numbers on my screen tell me it's 11:08. I should go to bed, because I have to be up at six. I get ready for my night rest, brushing my teeth et cetera. I climb onto my bed. It takes an hour before I fall asleep, because I keep thinking about tomorrow.

*The next morning*

Beep beep beep. I try to find the off button on my alarm without having to stand up, but it doesn't work. I sigh and get out of bed, stopping the alarm. The sun isn't up yet, it is pitch black in my room. I grab my suit that I laid down last evening. I take a shower and brush my teeth before putting it on. I check in the mirror if it looks good. The emerald colored tie is a bit tight, because my gang stole it from the actual Noah. Apparently, he has a smaller neck.

I wink at myself in the mirror, giving myself some confidence. Next, I make toast for breakfast. It is a little burned, but it tastes alright. I chomp on the bread while combing my hair. I don't have much time left to get to my first meeting with the Emerald Empire. I pack my bag and I am gone. I drive towards some sketchy looking building. I look at my watch to see I am exactly on time. I take a deep breath, before walking inside.

The meeting room is a small, dimly lit room. There is only one long table in the center, it's chairs full of men in suits. The walls are lined with paintings of past mafia bosses. It is completely silent. I make my way to my designated seat. A big man stares at me while holding a cigar in his hand. He must be Lorenzo, the mafia boss. The room smells like the smoke coming out of his cigar.

They were probably waiting for me, because Lorenzo starts talking. "We are getting a big shipment of drugs and illegal weapons next month. We need extra protection in the back area." The back area? Is that where they keep their supplies? A guy around my age, sitting next to Lorenzo nods in agreement to Lorenzo's words. He is completely focused on the meeting, noting down a few things, while others are hanging back in their chair looking bored. I think I know that guy. He is Alexandro, Lorenzo's son. I glance over at him.

I have heard a lot of rumors about him. He has a reputation of being a cold hearted killer. The girls say he is hot as fuck. To be honest, I can't disagree. He's got a sharp jawline, sun kissed skin and hair like black silk. There is something mysterious about his piercing eyes. He could charm anyone if he wanted to, but for some reason he doesn't. He never had a girlfriend. Maybe he is more of the one night stand kind of guy?

"Noah, what is your opinion about this?" Lorenzo asks, his eyebrow raised. I snap out of my thoughts. Shit, I wasn't paying attention at all. "Uhm, seems like a great plan?" "You don't seem confident in your answer. I hope you weren't dreaming, because that will have serious consequences." A few men give me a judging look. I apologize and they continue their meeting. They discuss ways to extend their business. One of them is to interfere with the gang I work for.  They want to attack us right after that new shipment.

I have to warn my people about this. As soon as I go home, I will text my boss. The meeting keeps going on for ten more minutes. Lorenzo gives his son a pat on the back. "As you know it is my son's birthday next week. I have some news." His son gives him an annoyed look, indicating he wants to speak for himself. "You are all invited to my party. Come to my house on Saturday. It will be a big celebration."

There is a moment of stunned silence, before the room is filled with congratulations. "Thank you for inviting us," is what I hear most. I tell them I am definitely coming. I like a party and besides, I could chat with some of the Emerald Empire men. The meeting is officially over. Everyone goes home. I hop into my car and drive away from the sketchy building. While driving, I call my boss to tell them everything I overheard. I also tell them about the party. "Great, I'll send some money to your bank account. You have to buy him an expensive present to impress him." My boss says.

I nod, then hang up the phone and focus my attention back on driving. I begin to think of what present I could possibly buy him. My mind whirls with possibilities, thinking of something luxurious that would impress the mafia boss. I consider things like jewelry, expensive wine, or even fancy watches. I think about these options for a while, wondering what the right choice would be and which would impress the mafia boss's son the most. After some time, I think that a shiny expensive watch has the best chances. I park my car and make my way to the jewelry store.

I browse through the selection of luxurious watches. I see a golden watch, the center black with a complex clockwork. I immediately know this is the one. I check the price. Jesus Christ, $25,000. I bet that is expensive enough to impress any person. I approach the cashier and pay for the watch. She puts it in a bag, adding some bubble wrap so it won't be damaged. I take the bag to my car and put it on the passenger seat. Once I get in the drivers seat, I head home.

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