Big Meet Up

34 1 7

(Alexandro's POV)

I step out of the limousine, which my father has rented for us. This is my fourth time going to a Big Meet Up. I have been going since I was seven. It is one of the most important events in the criminal underworld. Not only do the gangs need to show off their power, but they also need to strike up business deals with each other. The place where the dinner is held is big with a lot of bodyguards. At the entrance, they have a weapon check. Weapons aren't allowed, because it would be too dangerous.

I already knew that, so I left most of my stuff at home. I hand them my usual gun. I never go outside without it. It gets locked up in a big safe. I also hand them my coat. I get a card, so I can pick them up later. My father is already inside, talking to his friends. I make my way to the dining hall. I can feel everyone's eyes on me. I have gotten used to it. They all admire my father's gang and they admire his mysterious son even more. I know that being the son of this gang's leader makes me a target to other gangs, but despite the tense atmosphere, it is refreshing. I would much rather be in this intense environment than deal with the fake friendly attitudes that are yet to come.

I take my place in the corner of the room. If someone wishes to speak to me, they can come to me. I am not in the mood to chitchat with all these people. I simply watch the others. Most people are making deals. I can see at least one handshake per minute. I also notice one of the members of the Golden Club has already gotten in trouble. The Golden Club has always been violent. A few minutes before dinner actually starts, I see Lucas walking in.

He gets all the attention of the members of my gang, but not in a good way. They all glare at him. Whispering to each other: "That's the traitor." He doesn't seem bothered by it at all. He has his signature smirk plastered on his face. He actually seems proud of the hate he gets. As soon as he sees me, he heads over to me. I can already tell what he is going to say, but still, I'll allow him to entertain me. It will certainly be more fun than listening to my father.

"They are all in love with me. It's obvious, because they can't stop looking at me." I let out a small burst of laughter at his sarcastic comment. I am impressed by how comfortable he is with being the center of attention. I then realize how weird it is for us to be laughing together. I better take a step back, before anyone starts questioning me. I go to the dinner table, but Lucas follows me. He sits down next to me. "Are you going to stay with me the whole evening?" I ask him, my eyebrow raised. "Of course I will. My attention is reserved for you only." He leans in a little too close when he says it. I glance over at the gang members glaring at him. It's going to be difficult for me to pretend I hate him, when all he does is flirt with me.

As the waitresses bring out the first dish, the members of the gangs all quiet down. It seems like they are all focused on their food. I don't really feel like eating, so I mostly just pick at the food in front of me. My concentration is on Lucas, who is sitting uncomfortably close to me. We begin talking about some of the gangs that are present and their ongoing turf wars. He is clearly fascinated by the politics of the gang fights. Luckily for him, I have a lot experience with that.

I tell him everything I know. I usually don't talk this much, but I like how interested Lucas is. He laughs and nods along to everything I say. I can't remember the last time I felt so comfortable speaking with someone. For the first time since I found out he wasn't Noah, we aren't fighting. I am starting to see him in a different light. If I could talk to my past self, he would kill me for enjoying a conversation with a rival. A waiter serves us our last course of food. It is a rose petal pavlova.

When the meal is done, we are led to a nearby ballroom, where the party is going to continue. The first thing I notice is how well decorated the room is. There are huge chandeliers hanging from the ceiling, their candles giving off a warm glow that makes the room feel very romantic. The walls are covered in velvet fabrics that are draped strategically to give the impression that this is a lavish party. There are dozens of people gathered into small groups around the room, all talking. 

Rosaline walks up to me and Lucas. I can see by the way she looks at Lucas that she's still mad at him. He stiffens once he notices her. I can see from Lucas's body language how he is trying to show her that he is unfazed by her attempts to intimidate him. Rosaline glares at him, but something about Lucas's gaze makes her want to back off. Instead, she turns to me. "Why are you talking to him? Isn't that treason?" "We were just chatting about some of the gangs here. Nothing too serious." I reply in a polite tone. Her gaze softens. 

There seems to be a lot of unspoken things going on behind her eyes, but she doesn't dare to speak any of them aloud. "I'm sorry Rosa. I miss our friendship." Lucas says suddenly. The words seem to hit Rosaline like a physical blow. She seems to be torn between wanting to forgive Lucas and wanting to slap him. It is clear that she has missed him as well. "I wish we could just ignore the fact we are in different gangs." She sighs. I nod, because she is right. If we were in the same gang, we would still be friends. 

We stand there chatting for a while, catching up on everything that has happened since our final farewell. I can tell the whole interaction is making Rosaline very nostalgic. She wants to pretend that nothing has changed, that everything is the same as before. "I can't believe I'm a third wheel already." Rosaline mutters to herself under her breath. Lucas and I both exchange confused looks in response to her statement. "What are you talking about? Nothing is going on between us." I say as I can feel my cheeks warm up. 

Lucas is the first to laugh at her comment. "She really has a point though. We ARE having quite a nice moment. I guess if we're going to keep enjoying this moment together, we should put some moves out on the dance floor." He looks back at me with a mischievous grin on his face. He then motions to the other people dancing in front of us. "Yess! You two should definitely dance." Rosaline clasps her hands together in excitement. Before I have the time to protest, Lucas leads me to the dance floor.

He grabs my hand and pulls me close, wrapping my fingers around his wrist. I am startled by how suddenly he has taken control, but I cannot deny my body is also responding to his touch. His eyes flicker towards Rosaline briefly, who is watching the whole scene from afar. Lucas continues to lead the slow dance. My eyes linger upon him for long periods of time, taking in his physique. The soft lighting of the chandeliers shining all around us make everything seem slightly dreamy. It's like we are the only two people in the room.

 I am lost in the moment, enjoying the music, feeling his body pressed against mine. I feel so at ease with him that sometimes I forget that he is a member of a rival gang. That is, until he leans in and whispers in my ear. "I never thought a night with you would be this romantic." Lucas's words make my chest ache but in a good way. I also feel a small stab of fear in my heart. I know that I should be enjoying this moment for what it is – a joke – but I can't deny that a romantic feel is beginning to envelop me. My mind is screaming at my heart to stop this feeling. 

I think back to the fact that I have never had a crush before and it only makes me feel more foolish for allowing Lucas in this way. How could I have a crush on such a dangerous person? I mean, I have plenty of other choices. I look around the room to see that my father is looking directly at me. His anger is obvious from his expression and he is waving me over to him. I feel my heart drop to my stomach as I realize that my moment with Lucas has been cut short. I reluctantly let go of his hand and make my way over to my father, my eyes glued on his disapproving glare.

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