Make over

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(Lucas' POV)

Alexandro and I are inside a clothing store, looking for a new outfit for him. I watch as he browses through the different styles of clothing hanging on the racks. His usual outfit is a suit with an Emerald green tie, which is the signature look of an Emerald Empire gangster. We need to come up with a different outfit for him that won't make him stand out so much. I hold up a pair of baggy blue pants. "What about these?" I ask. 

Lexi stares at them with a disgusted look on his face, as if they are the last thing he would ever want to wear. "No offense," he replies, "but I don't want to look homeless." I raise my eyebrow, because I can't help but feel somewhat insulted. Those pants are exactly the type I would wear, so he is basically calling me homeless. "You clearly don't know what a fashion statement is, Lexi. These pants are very popular." He doesn't seem to be swayed by my arguments, because he's ignoring me. I'm beginning to get frustrated with his attitude. 

He is way too picky. We have been in this store for almost thirty minutes. I am about to tell him to hurry up, when he holds up a black blouse. I stare at the black blouse he holds up with a sense of approval. It's similar to his original outfit, but that isn't a bad thing. This is more his style. I tell him to try it on, pointing at the changing rooms.

I wait outside the changing rooms. After a few minutes he comes back out wearing the blouse. It accentuates his figure perfectly, which makes him look mature. He seems to like the way it looks on him, as he poses, looking at different angles and trying to decide if he likes the blouse or not. I watch him, trying not to let my amusement show. Finally, he looks back at me with a smirk and I know he's decided that he likes the blouse. 

I nod at him, giving him my approval. "Let's buy it." He changes back to his old clothes, before we head up to the front counter. Lexi pays with his credit card. The blouse itself costs pretty much, but he seems to have no problem paying for it. For our next stop I wanted to go to the barber, until I remembered something. Rosa's room had a lot of hair products, so she must have been a hairdresser. While Alexandro changed his outfit, I texted her asking if we could stop by. 

Rosa texted back saying she would be more than happy to help out. I tell her we'll be there in ten minutes. I show the chats to Lexi. "Remind her that she can't tell my father that we're coming." He says. "Yeahhh. Relax a bit, Rosa won't snitch." I text her again to remind her of the condition. With that settled, I lead the way to her house. When we arrive, I knock at her door. She invites us upstairs and I see she has prepared for our visit. 

She has a chair in the middle of our room with a towel draped over the side. There are a few hair products standing on her desk. It's clear she's ready to give Lexi a makeover. I look at Rosa and she is smiling proudly. "My friend is a hairdresser. She gave me some lessons on how to curl people's hair, so that's exactly what I'm going to do." Alexandro sits down on the chair. I can tell he's not looking forward to change his hair. Rosa puts the towel around his neck. "First, we're going to spray your hair with water. Lucas, I'm sure you can do that." She hands me a spray bottle.

"Yes, I can do that." I slowly move to Alexandro's side and begin to spray his hair. There are little droplets forming on the top of his head. To make sure I got all the spots, I run my hands through his hair. My hands move slowly, stroking the thick strands that are now dampened with warm water. Alexandro lets out a low "mmmm~" sound. It's a subtle way of expressing that he is enjoying the feeling of my touch and it sends butterflies fluttering through my stomach.

The warmth from my hands caressing his hair is intoxicating. I don't want to stop, but Rosa is raising her eyebrow at me. I realize I've been stroking away for a bit too long, so I pull my hands away quickly. Rosa gets a small amount of curling cream on her hands and rubs it into Alexandro's dampened hair. The cream spreads easily across his hair as she rubs it in. My eyes are transfixed on Alexandro as he sits in the chair. She is being very generous with the amount of curl cream she is using, making sure it works its way into every strand of hair.

I am still holding the spray bottle and I get an idea. I release a gentle stream of water, spraying both of them in the face. They let out a surprised gasp, and Alexandro scowls at me, but I can't prevent a small grin from forming on my face. I continue to aim at him, until Rosa steals the bottle from me. "If you don't stop, I'm going to kick you out. No, wait! You should stay downstairs. I'll get you when he's done, so you can see the transformation." She shoves me out of the room, closing the door before I can protest. 

I stand in the hallway, my ears pressed up against the door as I try to hear what's going on inside. I can hear voices, but I can't exactly make out the words. I wait for ten minutes. Luckily, I have my phone to keep me entertained. Rosa steps out of her room too. "He's going to change into his new outfit." She says. I eagerly nod, excited of what's to come. I wonder how he will look after getting his new hairstyle. After a few minutes, Alexandro tells us we can come inside. 

I walk into the room and my jaw drops as I get a good look at him. His new hairstyle is absolutely gorgeous. It makes him look completely different. I can't help but feel shocked at how good he looks. "You look... you just look..." I stumble over my words, "fucking hot." Lexi looks at me, his eyes narrowing in surprise. "Excuse me?" Both our faces are burning with embarrassment. "I guess what I'm saying is that you look really good. No homo!" I feel my face getting hotter with every passing second. He mumbles back a thanks.

Rosa laughs softly. "You are definitely disguised. If you want to get rid of the curls, just wash your hair. Now, go to that bar!" She's right, the transformation is complete. Alexandro stands in front of me, looking like a different person. He thanks Rosa for her help and it seems like he's happy with the result. We then head to the bar. I already have a plan on how to get information, but I'm not going to tell him yet. He will figure it out soon enough. As we stand in front of the bar for the second time, he looks way more confident. I take one last glance at him, before I open the door, leading us into a new adventure.

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