Diamond raiders

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(Alexandro's POV. One week later)

I've been given an assignment to investigate, a new gang called the Diamond Raiders. Firstly, I search for information online. The Diamond Raiders are lead by an anonymous man. There is a news article about their first appearance, which was written a year ago. They broke into a jewelry store, taking all their diamonds. The thieves escaped before the police could even arrive on the scene. The only evidence found was a small, engraved diamond symbol into the wall of the store.

I remember someone bringing the Diamond Raiders up in a meeting. My father had brushed the subject off. He thought they were too reckless and would soon be caught. But their gang grew insanely fast. They started targeting the Golden Club. The Golden Club has been robbed at least ten times by now, making them extremely weak. With the amount of theft they have already committed, it feels like it's only a matter of time before they become too powerful to stop. The police is already trying to track them down, but they don't have the same connections I have. I will look into the situation myself, so our gang can put them in their place.

The Emerald Empire has been the biggest gang of California for half a decade and I'd like to keep it that way. I decide to go to the south-side of LA. The Golden Club used to control that place, but the Diamond Raiders took their area. The Diamond Raiders have a strong presence there, so I could find out more about their activities. I walk to the south-side, since my car would be stolen if I drove there. I keep a close eye on my surroundings at all times, because it is a dangerous place.

I see numerous signs of gang graffiti, mostly the same diamond symbol I saw online. The neighborhood has a grim atmosphere. It feels like a ghost town, with a few groups of people wandering the streets. They all stare at me as I walk by. I suddenly bump into a familiar face. He opens his mouth to say something, but once he sees me his face lights up. "What are you doing here?" He grins.

"None of your business. Are you following me?" I reply, feeling my tension levels rise even higher now that Lucas is here. I can't help but feel an intense feeling of anger boiling up inside me when I look at him, remembering how he has openly flouted my father's order to stay away from him. But even though I'm mad at him, I can't help but think back to our hug from last week. It caught me off guard, because the last time I had a hug was two months ago. My family isn't really into physical affection. We see it as a weakness.

"Hm, maybe I am," his voice is filled with an intoxicating mixture of mocking and flirtatiousness. "Just kidding. I'm here to get some information about the Diamond Raiders. One of our men was found dead with a diamond symbol carved in his arm." I stare at him, my anger turning to shock when he tells me the reason he is here. His gang has suffered a loss. I feel a sudden shift in my mood as I realize how much danger the gang is in. Once the Diamond Raiders target your gang, it's too late. It will only get worse.

"My condolences. I hope you know what you're doing, because they are highly dangerous. I have to continue my investigation here. Be careful." I start to walk away, but Lucas stops me. His touch sends an electrifying sensation through my body. "No way! Are you also here to look into the gang? Fate is clearly bringing us together." He nudges my side. "I don't believe in fate." I reply immediately. He won't stop talking and it is annoying me. He begins to name all the reasons why we should work together. I remind him of my father's word. The risk of getting caught by him isn't worth it.

Until, he lists an interesting argument. He claims to know a bar the Diamond Raiders frequently visit. There is a possibility the gang leader is also there. We could gather clues on who their leader is. I can't help but feel a strong pull towards him and the temptation to disobey my father's order. I know it's likely not the rational choice, but the thought of having the chance to gather some inside information on the Diamond Raiders is too tantalizing to resist. Finally I speak. "Okay. We'll work together for one day. After today, I'll never hear from you again. Now, show me that bar."

We take the bus to get to the bar. I keep looking at everyone stepping on the bus, hoping I don't see any familiar faces. My father ordered his men to tell him if they ever see me with Lucas. I think Lucas noticed my anxiety, because he is distracting me by trying to charm me. I find myself feeling a little bit better despite the sketchy neighborhood we just entered. We finally arrive at the bar and exit the bus. The exterior looks worn off, but the inside seems to be full of life.

A crowd of people, mostly young men, are mingling amongst themselves, drinking and chatting. The air is thick with the smell of alchohol. We scan the room, looking around discreetly for any signs of the Diamond Raiders. "Let's talk to that guy." Lucas points to a man, sitting alone in the corner of the room. He is a big guy, his brows constantly faced downward. I'm not sure if he's the type to talk to strangers, but I walk up to him anyway. "Excuse me sir, do you mind if I ask you a few questions?" The man stares back at us with a scowl on his face. It's clear that he hates us for some reason.

"You're the son of Lorenzo, aren't you? Your father is one of our biggest enemies, and now he thinks he can just send his son here to ask us for information? I'm not telling you shit." He is so enraged that he seems ready to explode. I don't think it's a good idea to push him any further. I motion for Lucas to follow me outside. "What if they all recognize me? Then, I won't be able to get any information out of them." I sigh. Lucas stays silent for a second, before he gives me a reassuring smile.

"They probably all know who you are. You have the exact same hairstyle as your dad," Lucas admits. "But I have an idea. You are getting a make over, so they can't recognize you anymore." I roll my eyes as Lucas comes up with his brilliant idea. A make over is something a little girl would do. We are cold-blooded gangsters. "You mean a disguise?" I imply. Lucas nods. The idea of a disguise suddenly sounds much better than a full-on makeover. I feel a sigh of relief wash over me.

It has the potential to cover up my identity. I also wouldn't have to worry about my father's men seeing me, which is a bonus. "Your ideas aren't as bad as I thought." I say with a smirk. "I'm glad you've finally noticed." We step back out into the street and he leads me to a clothing shop.

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