Playing with fire

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(Alexandro's POV)

As we approach the building, the dim glow of the moon light flickers against the darkened windows. We had decided to wait until it was dark outside, so we could hide in the shadows. We both wear a full black outfit with a balaclava to remain anonymous. "Alright, Lexi, time to work our magic," Lucas whispers, his voice barely audible over the rustling of leaves.

I nod, my grip tightening around the handle of my gun. I can see two guards in the distance not much older than us. They seem tired by their night shift. It's the perfect opportunity for a surprise attack. "Stay focused, Lucas. You hold both of them at gun point while I break in." I mutter. When we creep even closer to the building, Lucas suddenly starts humming the theme song from some old spy movie. "Shut up or else they might hear us." I shoot him a warning look, but he just chuckles softly under his breath.

I turn my attention back to the building, steeling myself for what was to come. Lucas may be a pain, but I know he has my back. I motion for him to take his position. With a final nod, he springs into action. Lucas approaches the guards with a swagger, his guns held casually at his sides. "Hey there, beautiful," he says with a wink, directing his attention to the female guard. "What's a lovely lady like you doing this late in a place like this?" The female guard raises an eyebrow, clearly taken aback by Lucas's forwardness. "I'm here to do my job," she replies curtly, her tone tinged with irritation.

Lucas flashes her a charming smile, undeterred by her cold demeanor. "Well, lucky for you, I'm here to make your night a little more exciting," he says smoothly, leaning in closer to her. "How about you and I make a deal? You let us in and I promise to show you a good time later." I watch from the shadows, a mixture of amusement and a little bit of jealousy bubbling up inside me. Leave it to Lucas to turn a potentially dangerous situation into a flirtatious encounter.

The female guard hesitates, clearly torn between her duty and Lucas's persuasive charm. It strangely reminds me of myself. "You're not getting in here, no matter how charming you think you are." Lucas chuckles, unfazed by her rejection. "Well, it was worth a shot," he says with a shrug, turning his attention back to the task at hand. "Guess we'll have to do this the hard way." With that, he raises his guns and points them at the guards, his playful demeanor replaced by a steely resolve. He forces them to drop their weapons. Despite his failed attempt at charm, I can't help but admire his ability to remain calm under pressure.

I run towards the door, but it's locked with a code. I also raise my gun and demand the code. The male guard looks like he's about to piss his pants. He quickly begins to name the numbers. I type it into the keypad and the door opens with a click. Pushing it aside, I step into a big room. Rows of shelves line the walls, stacked with boxes and crates of various sizes. Some are labeled with obscure codes, while others remain ominously unmarked. I make my way through the maze of containers, my eyes darting back and forth as I search for any sign of valuable loot. I see drugs, weapons, gold and crystals.

There's too much for us to steal. Our mission would have no impact, even if I fill my backpack to the brim with their most expensive drugs. The weight of failure presses down on me, until a spark of desperation ignited an idea. I want to call out his name, but the guards can't know who we are. "Hey!" I shout. He doesn't seem to hear me. He's still busy with talking to the guards. "Stop chatting! Give me your lighter. We're burning this place down." I shout again, louder this time. He repeats my statement to make sure he heard it right. He's clearly caught of guard.

"Think about it," I urge, my voice gaining more strength. "If we set fire to the building, all their stuff, all their money will go down with it. It'll be a devastating blow to their operation. It would cost them at least five years to regain all the money they will lose." I hear the guards protest, but Lucas threatens to kill them if they said another word. I watch in awe as Lucas stands his ground, his confidence immediately silencing the guards. I feel a surge of pride welling up inside me. He remembers the advice I had once given him about the power of fear.

I look at all the crates one last time, before heading to Lucas. He has put the lighter on the ground for me with a small container of fuel. I look at him with a face that says: where did you get that from? Lucas shrugs nonchalantly, "Better to be prepared, right? You never know when you need it." "You're unbelievable, you know that?" I whisper to myself, shaking my head in disbelief. I begin to pour the fuel all across the room, carefully ensuring that every corner is coated in a thin layer of liquid. The air is already thick with the acrid smell of gasoline.

And then, with a single flick of his lighter, Lucas ignites the fuel, setting the room ablaze in a whirlwind of flames and smoke. The fire spreads quickly, consuming everything in its path. The four of us watch the flames dance from a short distance. Lucas reaches out and grabs my hand. We stand side by side, without saying a word. We just watch the building slowly crumble. I glance over at Lucas, his expression unreadable in the flickering light of the flames. "We should go." I whisper. He nods, but doesn't let go of my hand. We turn around and start running away together.

We run fast, putting as much distance as possible between ourselves and the raging inferno behind us. Once we're at a safe distance, we slow our pace. Breathing heavily, we lean against the wall, taking a moment to catch our breath. "Hey, we make a pretty good team, don't we?" Lucas grins at me. I chuckle, the adrenaline still coursing through my veins. "Yeah, I guess we do," I reply, feeling grateful for the bond we've forged. I feel way more confident when he's around.

Lucas shifts slightly, his eyes glancing away for a moment before returning to meet mine. "So, uh, Lexi," he begins, his tone casual but with a hint of nervousness beneath the surface. "I was thinking... since we're already out here, and we've got some time to kill... maybe we could, I don't know, go to a restaurant or something?" I raise an eyebrow, a smile tugging at the corners of my lips. It's clear what Lucas is getting at, but he's trying so hard to play it cool. 

"Are you asking me out on a date, Lucas?" I tease, unable to resist a playful jab.  "What? No, of course not," he replies, his tone dripping with sarcasm. "I just figured we could use some food after all that excitement, you know?" Despite him pretending we're just going to eat as friends, I know that he wants something else. "Sure, I'd love to grab a bite with you. Sounds like the perfect first date to me."

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