Happy Birthday

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(The picture is Lucas/Noah

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(The picture is Lucas/Noah. Time-skip to Saturday.)

I am all dressed up, looking fancy. My suit is gray. My tie is matching the colour of my shoes. Pretty cool, huh? Ben sits on the coach, watching tv. "Where are you going?" He asks me. "To a party and no, you can't come." He turns around, facing me instead of the tv. "Why not? You know I love going to dem tings as much as you do!" It hurts me to leave him here. I'd much rather have him around the party, though I can't bring him. He can't know anything about my undercover mission for his own safety. "I'm sorry bro. We'll go together next time." He sighs deeply. He then continues to watch his show. I take that as my sign to leave.

I search the Avolio families mansion on google maps. Google maps says it is a twenty minute drive, but I've been driving for twenty minutes now and I haven't seen their house yet. Oh, there it is. That building is like five times my house, even though they are a family of three. It is a modern-style gray mansion. They have a huge parking space, where I park my car. I step out to admire Alexandro's house a bit better. There are no birthday decorations, just smooth walls. The driveway is lit by little lamps build in the ground. 

I get inside and my mind is blown even further. Will I get this rich too if I keep working in my gang? The foyer looks so chique, I feel like I would have to pay millions if I knock down a vase. Alexandro is greeting his guests. He sees me looking around with my jaw on the floor. He walks up to me, extending his hand. I want to shake it, but I forgot I have the present in my hand. He takes it from me. "Thanks. I suppose this is your first time coming here." "Nah, I live here." I say sarcastically with a grin.

He raises his eyebrow. I should've known he wasn't a fan of jokes. Well, this is awkward. After a few seconds, he does chuckle slightly. His little chuckle is deep, like his voice. "I never knew you were a joker. We should catch up. The last time we talked was seven months ago." I nod in agreement. He leads us to the living room. The room is filled with people, all at least partially Italian. We sit down at a white L-shaped couch. Alexandro opens my present. He holds up the watch, studying it's details. 

"Thank you." He says with an unreadable face. I am afraid he doesn't like it, but he puts the watch on his arm. It unintentionally matches his outfit. He returns his focus back to me. "So Noah," he begins, "How have you been?" I think about what I will answer. The information that has been given to me, says Noah hasn't been doing so well. His father got sick, he has been less active in the Emerald Empire. "I'm fine, but my father got sick." I say, trying to sound sad. He looks as if unsure how to react. He probably didn't expect this answer.

He is about to break the silence, but he gets stopped by Lorenzo. He looks annoyed. "There are new guests waiting to be greeted." Alexandro sighs while getting up. He excuses himself and disappears. I watch him leave the room. I look around, trying to find someone to talk to. An attractive girl is sitting by the bar, drinking wine by herself. I sit down next to her. She smiles at me. "Do you want wine too?" I'm more of a beer guy, but I still accept her offer. She pours my drink. "Do I need to know you?" I ask. She chuckles.

"I'm new to the Emerald Empire. My name is Rosaline, call me Rosa." A new one? I might get some information out of her. "Welcome. What is your job exactly?" "Lorenzo says I am not allowed to tell people what I do." Lorenzo is a smart guy, though I am smarter. "We probably work in the same section. You don't have to keep secrets from your colleagues." I smile. She hesitates for a moment. "Oh, well I make the appointments between clients and dealers. I also pick out the best locations for them to meet." 

She tells me way more than I expected. I now know one of their dealing locations. I keep listening to her with interest. Sometimes, I pretend to know a guy she mentions. We keep talking, until some dude interups us. "What do you think you are doing?" He growls at me. I ignore him, but he doesn't give up. "Come on, darling. Let's get you away from this loser." He touches her arm and I can see her back away. I accidentally spill my wine on his suit. I grab a tissue to try to clean my mess. "Oh God. I am so sorry!" I point at the wine that is now on his outfit. "The stain on your suit is pretty bad. You should probably go home to change." I do my best to suppress my smirk.

He looks at the stain, then he glares at me. He looks furious. He mumbles something under his breath, before leaving the room. "You did that on purpose, didn't you?" Rosa asks with a grin. I shrug. "Maybe." We both start laughing. "I had to do something to make the evening more interesting," I say, my voice teasing. Rosa laughs again in agreement. We share a look and return our attention to the party.

Alexandro is surrounded by a group of girls. They are all trying to get his attention. Some of them coming real close, others just talking to him. He doesn't seem bothered by the situation. He smiles in response of some of the girls' comments. His eyes tell he isn't interested as he keeps staring at the wall behind them. Rosa leans closer to me to whisper something in my ear. "Did you know he had so many admirers?" I shake my head. I tell her I knew he was popular, but didn't know it was this crazy.

His eyes meet mine and I think I can see them lighten up a bit. He says something to the girls, before walking over to me. "Are you enjoying the party?" He asks. I notice he is still wearing my watch. I nudge Rosa's arm. "Yeah, I have good company. Did you get any time for yourself or did the girls keep bothering you?" He looks over to the girls. "I'm used to it now. It happens a lot when you look charming." Is he for real? He is even cockier than I thought. I roll my eyes. "So, you admit you are a player?" 

Alexandro, who was smiling before, now looks slightly offended by my question. He looks me up and down. "Excuse me?" He raises his eyebrow. I remember I probably shouldn't get into a fight with the bosses son. "I was just joking, sorry." 

This was my second chapter. It will switch to Alexandro's POV next chapter. Please tell me if you liked it in the comments :)

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