I don't know what to name this chapter

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*Alexandro's POV*

I walk inside my house. My father is already waiting for me in the living room. He stands with his arms crossed. He looks stern, which is usually a bad sign. My mind is racing with the possibilities of what he could tell me. Was I supposed to do work today? I'm sure I had the day off. I greet my father in the same way I always do, keeping a poker face. He doesn't seem angry at me, though he is the one who learned me how to mask my emotions. It could all be a show. 

He tells me we need to talk and motions for me to come closer. He pulls out a phone. This one is blue, unlike his usual black phone. I am not surprised, because he buys new phones whenever he has an important mission. If one phone gets hacked, all the other information stays safe. He shows me an e-mail between someone called Lucas and a capo from the Ruby gang. The capo gives Lucas the location of our usual meetings. They know one of our secret locations. "If the Ruby gang knows where we are, they could be coming for us any minute. We need to change locations." I say. My father shakes his head. "We did a little research on this so called Lucas. Look at what we found." 

He then shows me a picture of Lucas. He looks exactly like Noah. My eyes widen in shock. He is Noah, but not the Noah from a few months ago. My father continues to talk. "They have kidnapped the actual Noah and replaced him with Lucas. He has been trying to spy on us the whole week. I hope you haven't talked too much to him." Shit. I have to warn Rosaline. "Only a little bit," I respond, which is half true. "Excuse me. I need to text Rosaline. She is with Noah right now." My father gives me a nod of approval, before I disappear in my room. I type the message as quick as possible.

I hope she will read it soon. I don't have to wait long, because she read it within a minute. She replies with: what? I text her again. This isn't a joke. Just get him out. But she already went offline. I stare at my phone. What if she doesn't believe me? She is probably dealing with Lucas, so it might take her some time to respond. I think about my birthday, how I already thought he was acting strange. I should've known. He may look like Noah, but their personality is different. I slam my fist on my desk in frustration.

I feel so stupid for trusting him, thinking he just changed over the years. I think about everything I told him. Today, during never have I ever I opened up to him about my personal life. How could he do this to me? I thought of him as a friend. I feel like he stabbed me in the back. I am bleeding on my bed, while he is spilling all my secrets...  He has to pay for what he did. I go back to my father. "We need to do something." I say. "I have already sent soldiers to haunt him down. No need to worry." He reassures me. I let out a relieved sigh. Once they catch Lucas, it won't end well for him. He will get his well-deserved karma. I feel my anger slowly fade away.

I hear the ring of a bell, indicating dinner is ready. My father and I walk to the dining hall. Mom is already sitting on her usual seat. I sit down next to her. Father sits on the other side of the table, facing us. We all have our plates full with steaming hot food, a mushroom risotto. I smile, because risotto is my favorite food. Even though I am smiling, mom asks me: "Are you okay?" It is like she has a sixth sense for my emotions. She always knows how I feel. I tell her I'd rather not talk about it. We continue to eat in silence.

The rest of the evening I do paperwork. That is how I normally spend my evenings. Once the clock hits twelve, I go to bed. It's been a long day and I am ready to get some rest. I lay down in my bed and stare up at the ceiling, replaying the events of the day in my mind. After two hours of thinking, I finally fall asleep. I wake up early the next morning to get ready for a meeting. I grab a quick breakfast and then head out the door. 

I get in my car and start it up, but I realize immediately that there's barely any fuel left. The light on the dashboard is flashing in warning, telling me that I only have a few miles left until he runs out of gas. I sigh in annoyance. I have to get to the meeting on time. I decide to go to the nearest gas station. As I pull up to the gas station, I notice something familiar out of the corner of my eye. It's Lucas, sitting in the car next to me. A big guy is refilling his car for him. It must be a bodyguard to protect him from the Emerald Empire soldiers tracking him down.

Lucas is wearing a hoodie instead of a suit, despite his sloppy outfit I can easily recognize him. What is he doing here? I try to stay calm, but the feeling of betrayal comes back to me. I begin to fill my tank, hoping he doesn't notice me. I have no time to deal with him now. Once my car is ready to go, I turn around to see him stare at me. I lock eyes with him, staring furiously. He looks scared. He probably didn't expect to see me. The air feels thick with tension.

I break the staring contest and head to the meeting. The building is filled with way more bodyguards than usual. Rosaline is also there. Most people are chatting with each other, but we both avoid talking. She looks sad. The room falls silent as my father makes an entrance. "Let's begin, shall we? Today, we are discussing two things. A new permanent location, where we hold meetings and you can win a prise." He holds up a photo of Lucas. "Whoever brings him to me, dead or alive, gets 5k." I can see faces light up, once they hear the reward. They all seem eager to earn some cash. Rosaline's eyes widen. She seems to still have some remorse for Lucas. 

Her look makes me realize that deep down, I feel bad. We did make some good memories. It felt nice having some friends. I miss it. No. I don't care how Rosaline feels. I feel nothing, but hatred towards Lucas. His spying will cost me two months of work. We have to replace everything he knows, so his overheard information will be useless. He also ruined my chances of becoming friends with Rosaline. Every time I look at her, she looks away. I need to remember all the bad things he did. Those are way worse than his good qualities. 

I snap back into reality. My father has already continued talking for I don't know how long. This is the first time I got distracted during his meetings and it is Lucas' fault. Luckily, I catch up quickly. Pedro proposes we hold our meetings at the nightclub. My father rubs his chin, like he always does. "Good idea. No one visits that place anymore." I write down the address. "Great. That was all I wanted to discuss. We are done." Father stands up, which is my cue to do the same. He grabs all his stuff and we walk out the door without saying our goodbyes to anyone. That is the way we have always ended the meetings. That is the way it will always be done.

Ooooh this is the end of another chapter. Question: What are your opinions about the main characters: Lucas and Alexandro? 

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