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This is an XL chapter. I hope you like it

(Alexandro's POV)

I walked away from Lucas, because I couldn't take his unserious attitude anymore. I am taking a different route to avoid him. I walk past multiple dark alleyway's. In one of them I see someone sitting on the floor. I can't make up who it is. "Alexandro?" The voice says. No way, it's Lucas. What is he doing? I turn away, refusing to acknowledge Lucas' call for help. He wants me to help him? After he betrayed me? I'm not going to waste my time on that idiot. "Alex!" He tries again. I keep walking, but I can't help but feel a flicker of irritation at his shouting. 

Why can't he just keep his mouth shut? Of course he has to go and make a scene. "Lexi, please help."  I stop and turn back to face him, my expression hard. "Don't. Ever call me that again." I say, trying to sound tough, though I can't hide the frustration in my tone. He seems to have no shame, no sense of guilt or remorse. Just a defiant stare, like he isn't impressed by my warning. The way he called me Lexi, he is acting like we're still friends despite everything that has happened. And now, he has the nerve to beg me to help him. I want to walk away, but something inside me doesn't let me. 

I look at his leg. It isn't in good condition at all. He has a big amount of blood loss. "Give me one good reason why I should help you? Why should I waste another second of my time on a traitor like you?" Lucas stares at me with a pleading look in his eyes. For a moment the anger I feel inside me starts to melt away. "I'm sorry for everything, okay? If you help me, I'll give you something in return. The, the Ruby gang has a site with some information about every member. I could give you my login details." He stammers. I remain silent for a moment, considering what he has said. Being able to get information about them from the inside would be a big help to me. "Alright, fine. I'll some help you, but only because of our deal. I am not doing this for you."

He nods eagerly with a big smile on his face. He thanks me a few times, before trying to stand up. I look at his wounded leg, which is still bleeding. He can't walk on that. I glance around, wondering if there's even any place to take him. It's the middle of the night and there's no one else around. I decide that my best option is to just carry him to my place for now. "Hold still," I grunt. I wrap my arms around him to pick him up princess style. He is a short guy, so he weighs almost nothing to me. As he's pressed up against my chest, I can feel his body heat radiate through my clothes. 

"It's getting intimate in here, don't you agree? You might as well just kiss me now, Alexandro." He chuckles. I roll my eyes at his comment. I quickly push away the image of me kissing him. It is getting weirdly intimate, I have to admit. My grip seems to tighten around him. This is stupid. It's just the heat of the moment and nothing more. I need to stay focused on getting him to my place. Not much later, we arrive at my place. My parents are at a business dinner, so I am home alone. It's one of the benefits of having important parents. I put Lucas on the couch.

I stand in front of him for a moment, wanting to say something, but I'm really not sure what. After a tense moment of silence, I finally find the words to break the silence. "I'm gonna grab a bandage and get this cleaned up for you. I'll be right back." I hurry back to the bathroom, looking for a first-aid kit. After stumbling around in the dark for what feels like an eternity, I find one. I quickly grab some bandages and disinfectant. I return to the couch where Lucas is still lying on his back. I set down the first-aid kit next to him.

I take a good look at the wound, crouching down beside him. I pour some disinfectant over the bloody area on his leg. He begins to curse under his breath as the disinfectant hits the wound. He squeezes his eyes shut, trying to hold back a scream. He doesn't make a move to stop me, so I ignore the sounds he makes. "The painful part is done. You can stop being a drama queen." I murmur. "Shut it, you bastard. It burns like fucking hell." He frowns and I suppress a smile. I continue my job, now getting a bandage out of the first-aid kit.

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