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Marinette lies there, in Damian's bed, and stares at the ceiling. She is completely terrified. What if her parents hate her? What if she is forced to give the baby away? What if Damian doesn't like her anymore due to her hormones?

"Marinette?" Damian asks as he turns over to face her.

Marinette flinches a little but then looks at Damian. She doesn't give a reply.

"Are you okay?" He asks as he plays with her hair.

Tears prick the corner of her eyes. "I'm scared. So scared, Damian."

Damian pulls Marinette close as he rubs comforting circles on her back.

"Everything will be okay. I promise. We will get through this together."

Marinette shakes her head as she chokes back a sob.

"What if we don't? I'm scared that I will lose you during this process. Damian... I can't lose you. You are the best thing that has ever happened to me. If i lose you then I will lose myself."

"You won't lose me. I swear. I wouldn't go even if you tried to get rid of me."

Marinette hugged Damian tighter as she cried. "God my parents are gonna kill me."

"You have to tell them." Damian states.

Marinette's takes a deep breath to calm down. "I know."


"They are gonna kick me out. Then kill me!"

Damian watches as his girlfriend fumbles with her phone, trying to decide whether or not she should tell her parents.

Damian get off the kitchen counter and puts his hands on Marinette's shoulders causing her to stop pacing and to look at him.

"You need to calm down. You know that you have to tell them. What ever they say I'll be right here. By your side."

Marinette takes in a deep breathe. "Your right."

Damian leads Marinette to the kitchen table and sits her down in a chair. He then holds her hand as she gets ready to press the call button on her Mother's contact.

With one last deep breathe she presses the call button. At that moment, Cassandra and Dick enter the room.

They both stop in there place when they see a nervous Marinette with a phone to her ear. They also see Damian holding her hand with a worried look.

Dick and Cassandra share a knowing look before taking the seats in front of Damian and Marinette. They both offer a small, comforting smile when Marinette looks at them.

"Hello?" Marinette's mothers voice comes over the phone.

"Uh... M-amman?" Marinette winces at the stutter.

"Marinette? What's wrong? Did Damian hurt you? Talk to me."

"What? No! It's not that! Um... is Papa near you?"

"Yes hunny! I'm right here!" Her Papa says.

"Um.... okay.... Please don't get mad!" Marinette says quickly.

"Mad? Why would we get mad? Marinette what's going on?"

"I'm pregnant!" Marinette blurts out a little to quickly. Marinette then slapps a hand over her mouth as her eyes go wide.

There was a moment of silence.

"You're what?" Sabine growls out.

"I... um.... I'm... pregnant?" Marinette says as she starts to shake due to fear.

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