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~Time Skip, 25 weeks pregnant~

Now that both Damian and Marinette had figured out the gender of their baby, they were ready to FINALLY put together the nursery (even if it's literally been over a month).

They had been planning it out the day after their doctors appointment and have ordered everything needed for it. The nursery was connected to their bedroom (thankfully) and had its own bathroom.

Now when it came to putting everything together Damian was pretty reluctant to let Marinette help him with all the building and paint. But she INSISTED ON IT

The first day they had put in a cute little chandelier. It wasn't too bright (they were pretty cautious of anything that could hurt the baby's eyes), it gave off the right amount of warmth to the room and just added the girly feel.

They also painted the walls a cute light pink color.

The second day was when they both started building stuff. Damian did most of the heavy lifting (obviously) but he did let Marinette help him put the stuff together (as long as she was sitting down and comfortable).

They built the crib, the dresser/changing station, a recliner, shelves for the closet, etc. They even redid the cabinets in the bathroom. They did it all pretty quickly, surprisingly.

After all that they were exhausted so the two took a long bath and soon took a nap.

The third day they rearranged the room to their liking. Marinette then started decorating the room. She was already stocked up on diapers, wipes, clothes (she made the clothes), baby bottles. Anything she needed she had.

She organized the clothes and all the stuff needed for the changing station.

While she was doing this Damian was painting flower vines all around the room.

As Marinette sat on the rug and folded clothes, towels, bibs, etc. she looked up and watched Damian. She was always mesmerized when he painted. He was so precise with this painting though. And so focused. Like he didn't want to mess it up.

"It looks good, Dami." Marinette smiled at him.

Damian turned to look at her. "I'm making sure it's perfect for her."

"She'll love it." Marinette giggled.

As soon as she said that she gasped in pain. Damian immediately set his stuff down and rushed to her side.

"What happened? Are you hurt." Damian looked at her in worry.

Tears filled Marinette's eyes as she looked at Damian. "Dami... I think she heard me!"

"What do you mean?" Damian looked at her with an eyebrow raised.

Marinette smiled a little. "She kicked me."

Damian grew shocked. He watched as Marinette started to take the straps of her overalls off in order to show her stomach.

(Her Outfit BTW)

(Her Outfit BTW)

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