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Marinette took a deep breathe before she spoke. She had to make sure she focused on saying the right words. One wrong word and she'll probably be six feet under.

Marinette looked straight into Lila's eyes with a strained smile that didn't quite meet her eyes. "Thank you, Lila, for your apology. But I should be the one apologizing. I have caused you so much stress and harm and I realize now that I was in the wrong for doing all of that. And for that I am deeply sorry. I hope you understand I wasn't in the right mindset and I hope we can restart."

The shocked look on Lila's face nearly made Marinette break character. It was hilarious seeing her so flabbergasted. No doubt Lila expected Marinette to immediately deny her apology and start calling her a liar again.

Marinette snuck a look at her parents and saw the pleased look on their faces at her apology. She felt satisfied with herself that she at least gained a little respect from her words.

Lila smiled though Marinette saw her eye twitch due to how angry she was. "You're apology is accepted, Mari! I hope I can call you that now that we cleared up all the fog."

Marinette fought the urge to roll her eyes. "Of course you can!"

Before the two could continue, Sabine clapped her hands in what seemed like excitement.

"Great! Now that we got that covered let's enjoy this nice meal. Lila, I made your favorite!"


Not even 10 minutes into the dinner Marinette had already wished she could chop her ears off. Either that or she wished to chop Lila's entire head off.

The girl has been nonstop on her little fantasy stories. Honestly how did she come up with these? What does she mean by 'Yeah WonderWomen absolutely ADORES me! She let me use her string once and it was so cool. I'm now welcome to her home planet!'

Obviously Marinette could never get a break! And on top of that, due to her stress immediately spiking during the dinner, her nausea, that she thought went away, has resurfaced causing her to lose her appetite. She should have expected that though, she hasn't been able to eat meat ever since her pregnancy started.

Marinette tried so hard to hold in her wince as a major migraine hit her at full blast. Apparently, she failed.

"Mari? Are you okay?" Lila asked in fake concern.

"Yeah... I just got a really bad migraine." Marinette pinched her nose, trying to relieve some of the pain by
pressing on a pressure point.

"Oh! I must be talking to much." Cue Lila's tears. "I'm s-so sorry if I overwhelmed you! I-I didn't mean it!"

Marinette's parents glared at her as they went to comfort Lila.

Marinette's eyes widened and she rushed to reassure Lila that it wasn't because of her, though... it kind of was. "What!?! No no no! Lila it's not because of you! I love hearing about your wonderful stories! I just guess I haven't been taking care of myself properly. I do get migraines a lot. I think I might just go to bed."

"Oh...." Lila was shocked at how well Marinette was acting. If Lila didn't know any better, she might have believed her. "I hope you feel better, Marinette. Maybe we can plan another dinner, hopefully your migraines die down by then!"

Marinette felt her eye twitch, once again. "Of course! We can discuss it once school starts back up! In the mean time, have a good rest of your summer break. Goodnight Maman and Papa! Goodnight Lila."

Before anybody could say anything, Marinette rushed to get out of the room. She didn't notice how bad her nausea was until it increased once she stood. Wasn't the pregnancy sickness over?!?

Marinette rushed to the bathroom connected to her room before throwing up all the contents of her dinner into the toilet. Once she was finished her migraine subsided. A wave of sadness and heartbreak hit her like a truck.

She felt betrayed by her own parents. How the hell could they just... replace her? Or that's what it seemed like they were doing. They used to love her. They comforted her the exact way they did Lila that night. Was she just... nothing to them anymore?

Tears rolled down Marinette face before she quickly wiped them away. When had everything gone downhill? Like sure before summer started she noticed her parents become distant... but what caused that?

Marinette sighed as she looked at the time.


When did it get so late? Marinette suddenly yawns, feeling the exhaustion from the day finally hit her.

"Mari? I think you should rest. You've had a rough day." Tikki's concerned voice reaches her ears.

"Yeah..." Marinette yawns once more as she gets up to brush her teeth.

Once she is done she changes into pajama shorts and one of Damian's sweatshirts that she definitely didn't steal and immediately sets a mental note to take it easy the next few days. Jagged should be there any day now to pick her up so she better start packing.

Marinette slowly crawls into her bed, her migraine less painful, but still there. "Goodnight, Tikki." She whispered as she felt the tiny god curl into her neck. She then rests a hand on her stomach. "Good night little one."

Sleep overtook her quickly after that.


A/N~ Idk what this was.

Published~ June 19th, 2023

Words~ 921

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