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Back in Paris...
October 6th

The first few weeks of the new school year at Françoise Dupont had past and Mlle Bustiers class was suspicious.

Marinette doesn't seem to be on the roster for their class. And apparently she hasn't even been seen in the school OR in the city.

Everyone was confused. Where was Marinette?

"I bet she left because she was too embarrassed to show her face anymore. I mean I would be after bullying an innocent person!" Alya scoffed.

"Even though she did apologize to me I feel as if she still hates me! Maybe I'm the reason she isn't showing up!" Lila sobs her crocodile tears.

Everyone rushed to her comfort. Lila smirked at that.

How ever a few people were confused.

"Marinette apologized?" Questioned Alix.

Lila wiped some tears away and put on a fake smile. "Yeah! I had gone to her parents and they finally showed her how rude she was! But I think they should talk to her again."

Alix looked towards Chloe who also had a confused face. Why in the hell would Marinette apologize to a liar?

"That's very sweet of them!" Rose smiled.

"Yeah! Maybe we go visit them and tell them to keep talking to her." Sabrina spoke.

"Yes and maybe then she'll fully realize how horrible she's been lately!" Alya nearly yelled.

Lila smiled evilly. She wasn't done with Marinette just yet.

Later on the class could be seen talking to Sabine. The latter telling the group to keep her updated on anything horrible Marinette might text the group.

Sabine was already planning a punishment for when she gets back.


A/N~ I realize now that there are something's that have been changed and that there are a few things that I shall clean up.

1) Marinette's parents at first didn't believe Lila's lies due to Marinette being a sweet girl. But the more Lila lied the more they believed her. And as soon as Marinette got pregnant they realized that everything must be true. Because in their minds... if she was such a slut that she got pregnant then she could be a bully.

2) Marinette went to spend summer with the Wayne's late may. She got pregnant about June 14th. She is currently 17 now since her birthday was about a month after she got pregnant. The 25th week mark was about November 29th (I'm just guessing). This chapter is set over a month before the 25th week mark. Marinette is due around March 20th.

I hope you guys enjoy this small filler chapter. If you have any other questions please ask.

Published~ April 15th, 2024

Words~ 441

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