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Marinette laid back on the hospital bed and sighed. Damian was beside her holding her hand as they both waited.

And waited....

The doctors said that she wasn't fully dilated so they'd have to wait a bit. She was only dilated to about an 8 so it'll be a couple hours.

So now Marinette laid in the hospital bed, going through painful contractions, all while realizing her daughter will be in her arms in mere hours.

Damian was beside her, his arm around her as he played with her hair. He noticed the tears on her face before she did.

"What's wrong, love?" Damian moved to wipe her tears away.

Marinette took in a shaky breath as she suppressed a sob. "She's going to be here so soon.... I can't help but worry. What if she can't breathe? What if she can't survive any longer than an hour! So many thing can go wrong, Damian! I don't know if I'd be able to handle it!" Her breathing was rapid as she thought of what could happen.

Damian brought her closer and started to calm her down. "She'll be okay. The last check up showed she was perfectly healthy and that nothing should go wrong. It'll go smoothly, okay?"

Marinette nodded as she finally relaxed. Damian kissed her forehead and smiled down at her.

"It will be over soon, darling. It's scary but I know that everything will be just fine. Soon enough our beautiful daughter will be in our arms."

Marinette sighed in relief and snuggled into Damian's chest. She was so grateful for Damian. He knew her habits and the signs that show starts of panic attacks. He new exactly how to talk her down from one.

She couldn't believe she got so lucky with him.

Marinette closed her eyes and rested (as much as she could with the painful contractions) for the time being.


It was happening.

She was literally about to push a baby out of her vagina.

Marinette held Damian's hand tightly as the doctors prepared everything. She was breathing heavily. She could literally feel the baby wanting to just come out already. It was extremely uncomfortable.

"Okay, Marinette. We're going to need you to push really hard, okay? I'll count you down." One of the really nice doctors said.

Marinette nodded weekly and let out a breathy "Okay" as she prepared herself mentally.

"It's gonna hurt and feel weird but I promise it'll be over in no time. Okay... 3...2...1... push!"

Marinette began pushing. Her hand gripped the life out of Damian's hand. As she pushed she let out shouts from how painful it was.

Marinette stopped for a second to catch her breath. A sob escaped her mouth as she laid back once more.

Damian, despite his hand nearly being crushed by Marinette's death grip, leaned down to comfort her.

"You're doing so well, Habibti. Just a few more and she'll be in your arms, okay?" Damian whispered in her ear.

Marinette nodded her head as she closed her eyes, tears running down her cheeks.

"Okay, Marinette, we are going to need another big push, got it?" The same doctor spoke once more.

"Yeah...." The word was spoken in such a soft tone they could barely here it.

"Okay, 3...2...1....."

Marinette pushed harder than the last time, screaming out in pain. Everything was hurting. However, even if she was in a daze and was light headed from all the screaming, nothing could've stopped her from hearing those words.

"We've got a head. Marinette, we need one more push."

Without taking a break, Marinette pushed. Sweat was running down her face, mixing with her tears. But she didn't even care because as soon as she heard the first cry she knew it was all worth it.

The doctors moved and gave the baby some oxygen as Marinette finally slumped backward into the pillows, letting go of her tight grip on Damian's hand. She took deep breaths as she listened to her baby cry of new life.

Damian kissed her forehead and ran his fingers through her hair. "I'm so proud of you. You are so strong, Angel."

Marinette smiled tiredly. She did it.

"Congratulations, both of you. Your daughter seems to be perfectly healthy. Here she is." A doctor came over with their daughter, still crying.

Marinette gasped as she was handed her. Tears fell from her eyes as she looked down at her newborn daughter.

Marinette looked to Damian. "She is so small!"

A small sob leaves her mouth as she holds her close. "Hi sweetie! It's your mommy. I love you so much."

The baby's cries slowed to a stop as soon as it heard her mommy's familiar voice.

Marinette looks at Damian who had moved to where his arm was around the baby. "She's so precious."

Damian smiles at Marinette. "She's beautiful."

The moment was broken by a doctor. "Marinette, we will be moving you to a recovery room, and as we do that a few other nurses with be taking your daughter to a nursery so we can clean her up and make sure she is truly healthy. She'll be back with you as soon as possible."

Marinette looked panicked and the doctor seemed to see this.

"Don't worry, if you want Damian to be with her then he is allowed to be with her during her check up. I promise you she will be perfectly safe." The doctor reassured.

Marinette looked to Damian in question. Damian immediately answered. "You need to rest, darling. I promise I'll make sure she is safe, okay? As soon as you are awake she'll be in your arms again, I promise."

Marinette trusts Damian with her life. So all she did was nod as she finally felt the exhaustion hit her full force.

Damian kissed her forehead as he took their daughter from her arms. The baby let out a cry before Damian started whispering reassurances to her. As soon as she recognized her daddy's voice she calmed and seemed to almost snuggle into his arms.

Marinette barely processed anything from that moment going forward. All she could think was...

"Welcome to the world, Amaria Martha Wayne"


A/N~ Finally right?

Published~ May, 13th, 2024

Words~ 1046

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⏰ Last updated: May 13 ⏰

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