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Marinette quickly gets out her phone and dials Jagged's number. After a few rings he answers.

"Marinette! My favorite niece! For what reason have you called?" Jagged asked... rather loudly.

"Jagged, I need your help." Marinette says, getting straight to the point.

"Sure! What do you need help with?"

Marinette hesitates for a second, scared that he will get mad just like how her mother did. Damian, noticing this, steps forward and takes her hand in his, giving it a reassuring squeeze.

Taking a deep breath she starts talking. "I may or may not be... pregnant. And-"

"What! You're pregnant? PENNY GET IN HERE! NETTIE IS PREGNANT!" On the other side of the phone you could hear someone scream 'WHAT' soon enough Penny is talking.

"Oh sweetie, congratulations! I know you are young but I am still so happy for you! Do you need anything? I can go shopping for you and the baby if needed!"

"Y-you're not... mad?" Marinette asks in disbelief.

"Hunny, why would we be mad?" Penny asks.

"I-um... Mama doesn't... like the idea. She uh... said I was dishonoring the family. She wants me to get rid of it." Marinette whispers the last part as the tears come back.

"Sabine can't make you do that! It's your choice!" Jagged yells.

"That's why I need your help...." Marinette says.

"Yes! We will absolutely help you!" Penny said. You could hear the smile in her voice.

Marinette sighs in relief. "Oh thank god. Ok so... you are going on tour for basically my entire school year right?"

"Yep!" Jagged says.

"I was wondering... if you could like... tell my parents you invited me to tour with you as your designer but instead of going you um... drop me off at the Wayne Manor...? So I could... you know." Marinette rambles.

"Of course! As long as I get to meet the little rock star!"

Marinette leans her head on Damian's chest as she try's to hold back tears. "Y-yeah... you guys will definitely be able to meet the little rock star."

"Great! Well we got to go, Mari. We love you! Can't wait to see you." Penny said.

"Love you guys, too..." Marinette says. The then line goes dead.

All Marinette could do was hug Damian and cry. The day has taken a toll on her.

"We're having a baby." Marinette whispers to Damian as she cries.

Damian hugs her tighter. "We are...."

"You g-guys won't leave me... r-right?" Marinette asks the people in the room.

Stephanie walks over to the bluenette and hugs the girl. "Girl. You are family now. You can't get rid of us."

Marinette hugs Stephanie back, smiling through her tears. At least some people support her. And boy is she glad it's her boyfriend's family.


Marinette stares at her self in the mirror. The doctor's note in her hand.

She can't believe what has happened. And it's only been a day. To say she is scared is an understatement. She doesn't know if she can take care of a child.

A tear slides down her face.

At that moment Damian enters. One look at her and he is instantly by her side.

"Angel? What's wrong?" He puts a hand on her cheek.

"N-nothing. It's just hard to believe that all this h-happened in one day."

"I know... it's crazy. But we can get through this. I promise we will." Damian rest his forehead against Marinette's.

"I want to believe you. I really do. But... I-i can't. Damian, I can't. What happens when I have the baby? How will that work? If my parents find out I didn't get rid of the baby what would they do? They would kick me out. That's what. And I don't want that to happen." Marinette cries.

"Marinette... I'm with you every step of the way. I don't know what happens in the future. But what I do know is that I'll be right by your side. Nothing can change that." Damian says as he wipes some of her tears away.

"I'm sorry. I keep crying and I'm overthinking everything. You probably think I'm annoying, your family probably hates me and is just faking their kindness. I-" Marinette gets cut off by a soft kiss.

"Just stop apologizing, love." Damian say against her lips.

Marinette shakes her head as they share another kiss.

"I can't stop overthinking everything." She says as she pulls away. "This is just... too much to process."

"I know.... You should get some rest." Damian pulls Marinette to their shared bed.

"I'm sorry." Marinette says again.

"Marinette, stop apologizing. You did nothing wrong." Damian says.

"Yes, I did do something wrong! I brought all of you into the mess you call my life."

"I'm glad you did! If you didn't we wouldn't be here right now-"

"That's the point, Damian!" Marinette's voice got louder.

That caught Damian off guard. Marinette never yelled. Well almost never.

"If I didn't bring you guys into my life then you guys would probably be living a better life." Marinette said, softer this time.

"If you think I could live my life without you then you are absolutely fucking crazy. Being with you has changed my life. I haven't ever been this happy in my entire life." Damian says.

Marinette stays quiet. Damian sighs as he lays down in the bed and stares at the ceiling.

A minute passes before Marinette lays down beside him and hugs him.

"I didn't mean to say that. I didn't mean to yell that way either."

"I know, baby. You've had a rough day." Damian runs his fingers through her hair.

"I love you." Marinette whispers.

"Love you too."

With that the couple falls into a deep sleep as they embrace each other.


A/N- I finally updated again! So fun :)

Published- October 23, 2021

Words- 981

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