Attack on Titan

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~Chapter 23~

Tony flew above the wreckage "Piece of cake, Quill."

Quill scoffed, flying with his rocket boots on the other side "Yeah, if your goal was to tick him off."

The wreckage on top of Thanos erupted, the pieces glowing with purple.

He shouted as he used the Stones to force the pieces at Tony.

Peter webbed his eyes, and swung in to kick him in the face. Then Strange summoned a blade, but Thanos stopped it with his hand, and tore the web from his eyes.

He advanced on Strange, kicking him just as Strange summoned a shield, absorbing the force of his blow, but knocking him back.

Quill shot Thanos from behind, angering the beast and Thanos used the Stones to shoot large balls on energy at Quill while he advanced by the steps Strange formed in the air, and placed an electric mine on his back.

Thanos turned to Quill as the Star-lord disengaged his helmet, dove backward into a portal, flipping him off.

"Boom!" He announced

Thanos growled as he rose his fist

Strange looked around "Do not let him close his fist."

"On it!" Hadley said, rushing forward, lifting pieces of wreckage as she did, slamming the pieces into the sides of Thanos' head, only angering the fiend more

Strange's cloak shot forward, closing around Thanos' fist, and the mine Quill had place on his back went off.

Peter appeared on his right from a portal

"Magic!" He announced, kicking him in the head, "More magic." He disappeared into another portal

As Thanos tried to recover, he appeared through another portal behind him

"Magic with a kick!" He kicked him again in the head with his right leg

He fell through another portal and went to kick him again

"Magic with a-"

Before he can finish Thanos turned, grabbing him from the air, and throwing him to the ground, with his hand around his neck.

"Insect!" Thanos spat

"Peter!" Hadley shouted, throwing more of the wreckage at Thanos

Thanos glared, raising his arm to use the gauntlet, but he was interrupted by an explosion set off by Tony, who shot a missile at him.

As the flames blinded Thanos, Peter attached a web to him, and strained against it.

Thanos pulled Peter toward him, but suddenly a ship crashed beside him, and a blue woman with robotic parts jumped out in front of them

Thanos looked at her "Well, well..." He said softly

The woman glared "You should have killed me."

Thanos scoffed "It would've been a waste of parts!"

She ran at Thanos, attacking him with her sword "Where's Gamora?!"

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