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"So...do you come here often?", Sera asked, whilst exhaling smoke from her mouth. Before he could answer, Sera unfolded her legs, and turned her body towards him so she could process everything he was about to say more clearly. She could feel her body relaxing, and she suddenly felt a strong sense of peace and calmness unlike anything she had felt in a really long time.

"Yeah. I started coming here shortly after--" he paused as though to stop himself from saying something incriminating. "I was driving around trying to clear my head after a long day at work and then I stumbled upon this beautiful piece of art." he turned his body towards Sera's. " I know this is going to sound strange, but somehow, it just felt like I was meant to find this place. I feel so much peace and quiet just from being here, away from the noise of the city. So I guess in a way, you could say it was a...serendipitous experience". he finished, as his eyes bore straight into Sera's, seemingly looking for a reaction.

Sera giggled. "How long have you been keeping that one in?"

"Do you want the truth?"

She nodded.

"I've been trying to find a way to use your name in a sentence ever since I found out what your full name is." He said. "Its been so hard trying to construct a simple sentence using your name. I've been waiting for an opening for dayyyss"

"You're an idiot", Sera giggled, lightly punching him in the arm.

As the laughter subsided, Abimbola moved one of his hands from the back of his head, and then he used it to remove another loose strand of hair from her face.

"Would you like me to tie it?", Sera asked teasingly.

His eyes sparkled. "I mean if you want to."

"Do you? Want me to?"

"So badly", he replied, and somehow Sera got the sense that they were no longer just talking about her hair.

Silence filled the air, and during this time, Sera's eyes roamed to the exposed bit of tattoo on Abimbola's arm. She couldn't quite figure out what the tattoo was because the rest of his sleeves were covering it. But she had this feeling that the tattoo was bigger than the exposed bit she could see. He must have noticed her eyes wandering because just then, he sat up and slowly started to unbutton his shirt.

"Okay. I thought you said there would be no pleasuring involved", Sera said, teasingly, getting up slightly, and supporting the rest of her body with her arms.

Abimbola didn't reply, but there was a look of amusement on his face as he continued unbuttoning his shirt. With his clothes on, Sera could tell that he had an amazing body, but that still didn't stop her from gasping softly as his shirt came off, revealing his tight abs, and perfectly sculpted body.

"I meant what I said", he whispered, leaning in, and reaching for Sera's chin. "There will be no pleasuring activities taking place tonight", and just then, he used his finger to lift her chin up so she could look at his face again.

Sera gasped softly, embarrassed at having been caught drooling. But then, she quickly regained her composure and motioned for him to continue as a way of distracting him from the redness that was now creeping its way to her cheeks.

Sera also made a wise decision to keep her mouth shut because she realized that If she opened her mouth to speak in that moment, she would have said something that was either embarrassing or downright inappropriate.

"I got this a couple of years ago", Abimbola said, whilst taking her through his tattoos. Suddenly, the playful look that was once on his face disappeared and was replaced by a more gloomy and dark one as he stared deep into space, as though he were in his own personal hell.

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