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Nahi handed Sera an egg and motioned towards Troy's car. "Throw the egg, Sera", she whispered.

"I'm confused. Why are we still throwing eggs?"

"Just throw the damn egg."

"Is throwing a couple of eggs going to help me rewrite a 20 year old narrative? Or a 3 year old one for that matter?"

"No, silly", Nahi replied, rolling her eyes and looking up at Sera. "But throwing these eggs seems like the most sensible thing for two 20-something-year-olds to do in this situation. According to all the chick flicks I've watched, throwing eggs at Troy's car is supposed to help you get over him. So that's we are gonna do—we are gonna help you get over Troy tonight and tomorrow we can stress about getting you help for other things.", she said, her voice fading away. "So with that being said, here's what we are gonna do right now;"she reached for Sera's hand and cupped it in hers. "We are gonna throw all these eggs at Troy's car like two normal twenty-something-year-olds, and hopefully in the process, we're gonna re-assert your power and communicate to Troy that you are not a fucking pushover and that you are un-messable-with."

"That's not a word", Sera replied calmly.

"It is now."

And just then, someone stepped outside Troy's apartment and poked their head out, eyeing Sera and Nahi suspiciously. This shouldn't have come as a surprise considering how they looked. How often did one get to see a scrappily dressed, nappy-haired black girl and a sari wearing, sassy looking Indian-Korean girl having a-not-so-normal-conversation outside a suburban apartment, whilst also holding a crate of eggs? Even Rush Hour could never.

"Can I help you with something?", the hooded figure asked from the railing.

"Throw the egg, Sera.", Nahi whispered aggressively.


"Now, Sera", she whispered even more aggressively. So, with that, Sera took one egg and she threw it towards Troy's car. It didn't break though—the egg that is. Instead, it just did this sad thing where it kind of just hit the window pane but didn't actually do any damage.

Nahi rolled her eyes dramatically before picking up another egg and throwing it forcefully against Troy's car's windshield. It splattered and the yolk covered the windshield.

"Like that, princessa", she said whilst rolling her eyes again, and putting a hand on her waist.

"Hey! What are you doing?", the guy shouted from the railing. "Stop that! Stop that this instant!", he continued shouting whilst running down the stairs, motioning towards Nahi and Sera.

"Ohmigawsh, we are so going to jail", Sera panicked turning to Nahi.

"We're not going to jail", Nahi replied in annoyance.

"We're not?"

"No. Because we are gonna run."

Then as if Sera hadn't heard her the first time, Nahi leaned in and whispered. "Run, Sera, run".

Sera started to run and Nahi followed closely behind her.

"Well don't waste the eggs.", Nahi said in between pained breaths. "Run and throw!"

And so that's what Sera did. She ran and she threw the eggs. But because of her shitty aim, she ended up egging more cars than she had intended to. They ran until they got to Nahi's car, and as Sera sat back in the passenger seat of Nahi's car, she found that for the first time ever, she actually felt appreciative of Nahi and her atrocious driving skills.

Sera was completely freaked out, and her heart was beating so fast she thought it would jump out of her chest. Nahi on the other hand seemed really hyped, and she giggled all the way back home. She kept on shouting random things like "Feel that adrenaline? You haven't lived till you have felt that adrenaline" and "See? This is what I'm talking about...this is what freedom is all about. This is living."

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