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Nahi Kim jogged up and down outside the streets of her student residence. As she did, the ground blurred below her and the steady pound of her footsteps echoed into her ears. She felt a bead of sweat roll down her cheek and down to her chin. Then, as she felt her chest tighten, she came to a halting stop, deciding she had tortured her body enough for the day.

Nahi had always loved jogging. She loved the feeling she got when she dared herself to run a little faster, feeling the wind blowing harder and harder against her face. She loved the tightness she felt in her chest and the calves of her legs the faster she ran. It made her feel happy and carefree. Not to mention it was a great way for her to keep in shape, especially with the amount of junk food she ate on a daily basis.

As she came to a halting stop, she took out her MP3 player and then shuffled through her music playlist. Before, she had been listening to some afro-pop music to help her get through the workout, but now that she was done, she felt she needed a less upbeat playlist to help get her back into a calmer mood. She decided Taylor Swift would get the job done. 

As she finally located her Taylor Swift playlist, Nahi looked up, and put her MP3 player back in her pocket. Then, instead of jogging, she paced up and down the streets aimlessly, yet seemingly waiting for something.

The "something" she was looking for came shortly after and in the form of a text message. She took out her phone,  looked down at it, scanned over the text message, and then proceeded to walk down the streets, towards the direction of the Sin-City Hotel.

Once she got there, she paced through the heavy iron gates, head down, and with indignity and embarrassment written all over her features. She was after all about to conduct a very shameful act.

Once inside, she headed to the parking lot and waited for the tall, lean guy in the black jeans to make his way to her. His head was hung too, so it was quite obvious that he too was feeling shame, perhaps even more shame than she was feeling. But the difference between him and her is that he wore his shame in a cool, confident manner, that upon first glance, one might not even have noticed it. 

As he stood on the side of the parking lot with his hoodie on, his head down and with a toothpick in his mouth, Nahi felt her stomach flutter involuntarily. Despite all the shame she was feeling, her body couldn't help but react to his presence. He was her vice, and she was hooked. 

He looked up, and as soon as his eyes landed on her, a heart warming smile landed on his facial  features. But other than that, there was no other reaction from him. He was very good at acting appropriate and decent in public. 

They walked in silence through the parking lot and back to his hotel room. As soon as they got inside, however, he hugged her tightly against his lean body, and their hearts started beating softly against each other's chest.

"I couldn't stay away", he panted. "I thought I could do the right thing, but you make me wanna break all the rules. You make me wanna be bad, Nahi"

Her eyes shined, and her cheeks flushed, as they always did everytime she was in his presence. She had been crushing on him for the past 10 years. So everytime he touched her, the 10 year old in her screamed in excitement. 

Instead of answering, him, Nahi leaned forward, a dark and suggestive look in her eyes. Her small hands wrapped around his neck, reaching for the hair at the back of his curly haired head.  Then, she leaned forward, lifting her lips to his. 

They kissed, first lightly, then more passionately and urgently. His tongue slid in her mouth, and her hips tilted against his. 

His hands slid down her waist and her perky breasts crashed against his muscular chest, her whole body sending a message that was undeniable.

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