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The elevator dinged, opening up to Abimbola's penthouse apartment floor. He walked in first, making sure the coast was clear before she got a full view of the living room. Once he was sure that there was nothing incriminating in sight, he led Sera towards the living room.

He looked back towards her, and noticed that her jaw was hanging as she scanned her surroundings. He almost chuckled out loud. He was not really surprised at her response to his apartment though. Abimbola knew that he had good taste, and that he was good at cleaning up after himself. But even so, he had to admit that he found Sera's reaction to everything a little amusing.

She took a few more steps until she was standing in the middle of his living room, right under the wooded chandelier and on top of a ruffled white rug. First she looked to the left, and then to the right, scanning everything and taking it all in.

Abimbola tried his best not to judge her. He lived on the upper East side. So, whilst he was used to the high-end lifestyle, he figured that this was all probably a little new to Sera, and that she needed a moment to pull herself back together and gather herself towards herself.

"I'll go pour us something to drink, yeah?", Abimbola said, slipping his hand on the small of her back. Judging by the overwhelmed look on her face, he knew she wanted to explore, but he also knew that she wouldn't do that if he was around.

"Do you have any special orders?", he asked again, when he did not get a response from her.

"Oh, uhm...surprise me."

Her voice came out small, and barely audible.

"Coming right up!", Abimbola replied turning to walk away.

As soon as Sera heard his receding footsteps, she unclutched her purse, laid it down on the couch, and then proceeded to walk around the black and white themed living room area, the same perplexed expression still registered on her face.

Abimbola had to stop in his tracks and watch her. He was quite amused by her behavior. There was something child-like and innocent about it all.

He watched as she moved around his living room, making sure to touch every piece of furniture, from the white leather couches, to the black coffee table serving as a centerpiece, and finally the wildlife portraits. Next, he watched as she moved towards the balcony and he found that he now had a goofy smile plastered across his face, though he couldn't quite explain why it was there. Something about this girl just seemed to tickle his fancy.

Abimbola pitter pattered into his en suite bathroom and jugged half a bottle of mouth wash down his throat. Then, he splashed some water on his face to wake himself up a bit. Then, as he lifted his towel up to dry his face, he did a double take as he saw some of the decorations Nala had made for their bedroom. He had not seen it when he left home for work that morning, so he figured that this was a pretty new adjustment. Right on the wall behind his bed was a giant picture of him and Nala at their engagement party. In the picture, Nala's face was tilted to the side such that only half of her face was captured by the camera. Her smile was so big and bright that at first glance, one might assume or believe that she was truly happy to be getting married to him.

Abimbola dropped his face cloth and quickly made his way back to his bedroom to take the picture down.

I do not need any of this tonight. I just need a day where I can take care of me and my own interests.

As he was taking down the portrait, a thought flashed across his mind. What if there were more in the living room? And what if Sera had seen them already? There was no doubt in his mind that him being engaged would be a deal breaker for Sera.

And with that thought, he loosened his tie, made his way across the kitchen and picked up two wine glasses and the first bottle of wine he could find. Then, he hurried back to the living room to see if he could find anymore of Nala's hidden treasures before Sera did.

But, as he walked in, he forgot everything that he had planned to do as he was immediately hit by the sight of Sera in her red evening gown, standing by his balcony. Something about the way she was standing accentuated her figure, and the way the red dress was following her body did nothing to settle Abimbola's raging thoughts. In that very moment, all Abimbola could think about was taking her.

He thought: If she looks that good fully dressed, I wonder what she looks like underneath all that clothing.

Her skin glowed underneath the moonlight and the way she stared into the distance gave Abimbola the thought that she wasn't really present in the moment. He couldn't help but wonder how godly and majestic she would look riding him. He almost lost his mind thinking of all the things he wanted to do to her and all the positions he wanted to put her in. But, somewhere in between all that dark thinking, Abimbola lost control of his footing and bumped into a small coffee table in the living room, sending Nala's second portrait crashing to the floor.

His heart skipped a beat at the photo of the smiling couple looking back up at him on the floor. He reached down, and turned the photo upside down so he would not have to face it.

Sera turned around, a startled look on her face.

"You good?", she inquired.

"Yeah, I'm fine. Just fine.", Abimbola replied abruptly, and as he did, he moved far away from the coffee table to distract Sera from moving towards it. He walked towards the grand piano on the far side of the room and as he moved towards it, he made sure to scan the room for anymore portraits. Fortunately for him he could not find any, and by the looks of it, he was in the clear.


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