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Abimbola Blake gripped the steering wheel of his Alfa Romeo Sedan and then stepped on the accelerator, which in turn resulted in his car moving at the speed of lightning.

He didn't have a death wish. But there was a battle going on inside his mind, and he was struggling to keep calm. He desperately needed another cigarette to help silence his thoughts. But, he had set himself a daily limit of two cigarettes per day, because he knew if he smoked any more than that, then he would struggle to stop when the time came.

He was discreetly aware of the silver haired beauty holding on tightly to her passenger seat, but instead of slowing down, he was only motivated to put more pressure on the car accelerator. However, this time, it wasn't involuntary, but because he feared that if he took his time taking her back to his place, then one of them would change their minds: her, because she was a girl and that's what girls did, and him because he was about to sleep with a potential employee. He had never done it before, and he knew it was wrong, but he also couldn't stop himself. Truth be told: He didn't want to stop himself.

He turned his head, and took another sneak peak in her direction, mostly just to see if he could try and figure out what was going on in her mind. But unfortunately, he did not get any answers. Instead, what he saw was a blank look plastered across her face. The girl hadn't said a word to him since they left the function, but even then, Abimbola found that she was surprisingly good at keeping him on his toes and out of her thoughts.

"Are you cold?", Abimbola asked, to break the awkward silence.

He had noticed some goosebumps forming on the exposed skin on her shoulder, but at no point in time had she asked Abimbola to turn on the car heater. Abimbola knew that this could only mean that she was not yet comfortable with him, and he knew he had to do something to change this, especially if he was going to get lucky that night.

The girl nodded slightly, and then sat up straight, as though to try and prove something. But Abimbola couldn't quite place his finger on what it was she was trying to prove. That she was tough? That she could take him on should the need arise? Abimbola did not doubt any of that for a second. He had not known her for long, but in the time that he had known her, he was convinced she was a fighter.

He turned the car heater on and motioned towards the blazer jacket he had tossed in the back seat of his car upon entering.

"You can take my jacket over there. It should keep you warm before the heater kicks in."

She nodded in understanding, unfastened her seatbelt and then reached over for the jacket at the backseat. But because of her short height, she really had to dig into it, so as she reached over, half of her upper body had to really aim for that jacket whilst her lower body stayed at the front of the car, helping to keep her grounded.

Abimbola's cheeks flashed a bright red color as the girl's buttocks landed on his left cheek. Now that's a nice ass.

The girl finally grabbed hold of the jacket, and as soon as she did, she pulled her dress back down and then she readjusted her seat so she could sit more comfortably.

Abimbola cleared his throat, unsure what to say next, or if he should even say anything at all. Something within him told him he had to tread carefully with this girl. She reminded him of a ticking time bomb.

If this was a date, he might have tried to find out why she was crying back there. But this wasn't a date. This was just him making use of his skills one last time before he walked down the aisle. Or at least that's what he told himself.

"I'm Abimbola, by the way.", he said, realizing that he had not yet formally introduced himself. The girl's face softened briefly, and she smiled a dimpled smile as she looked back at him.

"Sera.", she replied. "Short for Serendipity."

And Abimbola may have been imagining it, but he could have sworn the atmosphere felt a whole lot lighter after the introductions.


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