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Sera did not stay asleep for long. She had a nightmare about 2 hours into her sleep and was too scared to close her eyes again, out of fear that the nightmare would continue.

It was the same nightmare she had been having everyday ever since the day of her 11th birthday. So, for the most part, she just lay awake in Abimbola's arms, trying to figure out how she was going to leave his place. She had never partaken in one-night-stands, so she was unsure how the atmosphere was going to be like when they both woke up in the morning.

What she did know, however, was that the longer she stayed in bed, the longer she was forced to think about her nightmare, and the thirstier she felt now that the alcohol had worn off.

She could have continued lying there and allowing her thoughts to hound her, but she knew where the kitchen was, so she decided it couldn't hurt to get a glass of water and watch the sunrise on the balcony before she did the ever so famous walk-of-shame out of Abimbola's apartment. So, with that thought, she unwrapped her body from Abimbola's strong arms, and then she pitter pattered downstairs and into the kitchen where she got a glass of tap water, and then strolled back into the living room so she could watch the sunset.

She walked past the grand piano on the far side of the room and noticed that all her belongings were still on the floor next to the piano. She was still wearing Abimbola's shirt, which even though it was far too big for her, felt surprisingly comfortable.

As soon as she entered the living room, she was once again hit by the view of the city on the balcony. She thought it was breathtaking the night before, but the day view was even more beautiful than the night view.

Abimbola's apartment in general was ridiculous. From the white leather couches, to the white table cloths and rugs, everything just screamed "Wealthy!" and "classy!".

She couldn't believe she had bagged someone on Abimbola's level. Granted, it hadn't gotten as far as she had anticipated, but she was surprised at how far she had gotten nonetheless.

She made her way towards the balcony, being sure to walk softly so as not to cause too much commotion. But as she was walking there, she stepped on something on the floor, and it made a "cracking" sound. She looked down to see what she had stepped on and found that it was a portrait laid upside down.

She picked it up, so she could put it somewhere where it couldn't be stepped on. But as she did, her heart started beating faster and faster as she came to the realization of what the portrait was of.

It was a picture of Abimbola with a really beautiful woman. She had short hair, but she pulled it off really well. She also had the most perfect set of white teeth that Sera had ever seen. The lady and Abimbola were both smiling happily and holding each other tightly. Judging by the way they were dressed, Sera guessed they were at a formal function, an intimate function, something like a family get together, an anniversary dinner or perhaps a...an intimate wedding?

No. Sera could not believe it.

With all the adrenaline from engaging in such risky actions the previous night, Sera had never even thought of the possibility of Abimbola being married. She had thought of the possibility of him being a serial killer or rapist and even considered jumping out of his moving car at one point in time, but him being married was the one thing that had not come to mind.

Before she could process the information any further, she suddenly became aware that there was now deathly silence all around her. Then, before she could process what to do with the silence, she heard shuffling, and then footsteps making their way downstairs and towards her. Panicked, embarrassed, and wanting to avoid confrontation, Sera placed the water glass she was holding on the coffee table and then made a run for her shoes, purse and dress which were lying on the floor near the piano. Then, she practically dove into the elevator, which thankfully was already open, waiting for someone to get in.

Sera changed out of Abimbola's shirt and back into her own clothes during the elevator ride. Once outside, Sera breathed out a sigh of relief she had no idea she had been holding. Then, because she was struggling to process everything that had just happened, she burst out laughing. She thought to herself: "Well, you wanted the full college girl experience. There you have it!"

Now it all made sense to Sera. Abimbola had appeared too good to be true. Of course, he needed baggage. Where in the world could one find a hot and seemingly successful guy who also knew his way around a woman's body and knew how to keep a conversation going, but wasn't a serial killer? And all this, straight after being cheated on by their trashy boyfriend? It made more sense for him to be a normal, married guy who was tired of married life and needed a fun night alone with a cute college girl. She had truly been through it all in the space of a few hours.  

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