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"I am beautiful, I am powerful, I am loveable", she chanted softly underneath her breath for what felt like the longest time. She took her time catching her breath, and as she did, she made sure to be in tune with her feelings and with what her body was trying to tell her, just like she had learned from some Youtube Mindfulness channel.

So, in a way, she was distracted. She was so distracted that she was completely oblivious to anything that was going on around her. She was so distracted that she didn't even realize that she was no longer alone in the bathroom. She was so distracted that she didn't hear the door unlock, nor did she think too much into it, when she caught a whiff of his scent.

But perhaps Sera was mostly distracted by the fact that she felt safe when she was with Abimbola. So, at no point in time when she was in his presence did she ever think she could be in any type of danger. Besides, Sera had only ever read about this kind of stuff in the news and in books, so at no point in time had she ever suspected or anticipated that anyone would think to follow her in an attempt to take advantage of her. It was only after a few seconds of complete oblivion that Sera finally came to. She was still chanting underneath her breath when she heard it, the sound of someone breathing behind her. Panicked, she slowly looked up, and from the reflection in the mirror, her eyes were met by a pair of familiar looking blue eyes.

Sera opened her mouth to scream, but his hands were on her mouth faster than the speed of light, and before any sound could come out from her mouth. As soon as he saw the look of realization registering on Sera's face, however, his face lit up with a smile. Well, at least that's what Sera thought it was supposed to be. The smile was probably supposed to look really warm and inviting, but really, what it was, was a cold, cold smirk. It was like something out of a horror or a thriller movie.

"So you were serious about the date, huh?", he whispered against Sera's ears, the smirk still painted all over his features. Sera felt an all too familiar feeling of fear take over her to the point of paralyzing her.

She opened her mouth to speak, but as she tried to open her mouth Troy's hand tightened against her mouth. So instead, a tear ran down her cheeks.

"Shh", he said tightening his grip. "Game over, sweetheart. I hurt you, and now you've hurt me." He chuckled cool-ly. "I gotta be honest though, sweetheart: I'm seriously starting to reconsider these little games of ours. I thought I could play along", he chuckled mid-sentence. "but as you know, I'm a really jealous guy, and all of this is really starting to get to me, so let's just agree to drop all this and go back home, okay? Then maybe you can kiss it all better?"

And standing there in front of Troy on that chilling evening, it finally dawned on Sera that hers and Troy's wasn't just some sad, twisted, college love affair. She was living in a horror movie. Troy was the horror, and none of the madness would stop until one of them died or lost their minds.

She opened her mouth to speak, but again, no sound came out. She couldn't actually believe that this was happening to her. She had so many questions, ranging from "What are you doing?" to "Did you follow me here?", and "What is this?" but they never came out. They just stayed in her mind, floating around like rejected ideas.

"I'm getting the sense that you want to oppose my idea, Sera, and I don't like that. I don't like how disrespectful you are, lately.", he said ever so smoothly, and as he did, a cold chill ran through Sera's body. "See, Sera, I'm a man, and men naturally need respect" a crazy look formed in his eyes. "And if we can't get it naturally, we have to get it unnaturally--don't look at me like that! I don't make the rules", he finished, shrugging his shoulders. "And just in case that wasn't clear, this is a reminder that I own you, Sera. I know things about you. Things that I know for a fact you wouldn't want anyone else to find out."

His hands loosened around Sera's mouth. It was almost as though he was sure that she wouldn't scream or try to run away. He remained behind her though, and as he spoke, he spoke against her neck, to make sure that she understood exactly what he was saying.

"Pray tell, little Sera. How do you think your pretty little boyfriend would react after finding out about your mental health history? About how "powerful" your mind is? And the things it can conjur up. What do you think? Oh",his voice dropped an octave, and his hands caressed Sera's throat ever so softly, the gentlest threat Sera had ever received.

"What I would give to see his face once he finds out about your history with the law. Do you think he will still love you the same, Sera? Do you think he will still adore you? Or feel the need to wine and dine you? I don't know about you, little Sera, but I don't wine and dine with riff-raff."

Sera felt her throat tighten with emotion.

"Troy, please", she whispered, hoarsely, her eyes tearing up. She couldn't believe how stupid she had been once upon a time. How much information she had shared with Troy, and how much power he now had over her.

"Please what, Sera?", he replied. And even though she couldn't see it through her glassy eyes, Sera knew Troy had a cocky smirk playing on his face.

She gulped. "Please... don't do this... "

It was all she could do to stop another tear from streaming down her face. 

"Ahh...she's begging. Confirm...you are begging right?"



"Yes, Troy! Yes, I am begging!", Sera whimpered. "I'm begging you not to do this...it would destroy me and my whole career."

"Good", he said, grabbing a handful of hair. Then, he whispered a few words in Sera's ear that sent shivers down her spine. He pulled away with a snarky grin as he watched Sera's reaction to what he had just whispered in her ear. 

When he finished torturing her, he looked up, down, up and then back towards her before his face lit up with what could have been mistaken as a genuine smile. Then, he leaned in closer to her and snarled. "I'll see you soon, Sera".

He motioned to leave, leaving Sera standing firmly frozen in place, fear written all over her features. So all she could do was watch. She watched him walk away. Then, she watched him move closer and closer towards the door. She had never felt so cold, alone and powerless. This was quickly turning into one of the worst nights of her life, and she desperately needed a guardian angel.

When he finally reached the door, she watched him turn the lock in slow motion. Then, she watched him open the door. The next thing she saw was Abimbola's figure from across the room, and suddenly, she felt her chest contract a little. Relief, perhaps?

Their eyes met, and even though no words were exchanged and no explanation was offered. From the inside of the bathroom, Sera watched as Abimbola's eyes went through a series of emotions, and finally understanding. 

Her body felt tired and weak, so she knew she wouldn't be able to keep standing much longer. Her eyes were drowsy, and her own head felt heavy.  

Abimbola did not move a muscle as he watched her from the room right outside the bathroom door. He did not speak either. This was just as well, because his eyes were doing all the speaking for him. He may not have done or said anything yet, but something in his eyes spoke to Sera and somehow she knew. She knew he was about to risk his reputation trying to save her from this nightmare, and she knew he was prepared to get his hands bloody for her whilst doing it.

She didn't get to see him in action though, because a few seconds later, her eyes closed and then her body shut down.  

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