A/N: Zayn Leaving (Must Read)

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There will never be One Direction without Zayn. He changed lives, hearts and souls. No one can replace him, and no, this is not just another fangirl, this is real. If he leaves, we leave.

There is no One Direction, and it almost breaks my heart, and makes tears stream down my face.
I will always love you One Direction.

He meant so much to so many people, including me. It wasn't just another band. It was the only band.

That band, was there for me, and made me smile, when people and life gave up on me. So no. This isn't small. I will always be proud that I choose to love this band.

I won't be updating for I don't know until when. Maybe 3 days, 1 week, 2 weeks maybe.

I just can't continue this story, and say that everything is fine because it's not. I need time to think, and honestly I can't do anything but cry about Zayn.

I hope you guys understand.

If Zayn ever looks at this,

Zayn, I love you with all my heart. And... Im sorry that all this happened. Im devastated but I am also happy that you choose to do something that makes you happy.

We will always love you.-Your Directioners

Guys, I know this is hard, but please, don't give up. One Direction may have ended, but we still need to support Harry, Niall, Louis and Liam.

It must have been so hard for them as well. Don't forget that almost 7 billion in the world, are also going through the pain you are.

I love you guys.

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