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After the long day at school, I took a very long shower and I sang all through.

After doing all the dishes and organizing my room, I invited Arthur over for a chat since we hadn't discussed much in school.

In few minutes, Arthur arrived with a white girl who was of average height and had a long, wavy, dark hair.

"Hello," she said in a British accent.

"Hi," I replied in surprise.

"Steph, this is Delaney Beckett, my friend from science camp," Arthur introduced.

"Oh, I didn't know you had a friend from camp... coming over."

"She took a few months break to Britain where she's actually based in and now she's back! She's also gonna attend school with us."

"That's really nice. I'm Stephanie and you are welcome to my home. Feel comfy," I smiled gently.

"Thank you. I have heard a lot about you. Arthur won't stop talking about you."

"Yeah, yeah," said Arthur. "You are looking at America's next top celebrity."

"That reminds me—we need to talk about something mind-blowing."

They both took their seats and I served drinks and cookies. I started off by telling Arthur about my little trip to the principal's office and ended at Nicole's perplexing behaviour. I left no single detail out.

"Oh, Stephanie... Steph, Steph, Steph, naive and innocent Stephanie..." Arthur said in somewhat a rhythm, moving his head sides and I snapped, "oh, would you get to the point!"

Delaney meticulously glared at us.

"Stephanie, I hate to say this but... just kidding, I love to say this," he chuckled a bit, "you are being bamboozled."

"What?!" I was shocked.

"Oh yes. Can't you see? Nicole is up to no good."

"Why do you think so?" I folded my arms and pursed my lips.

"I've been here all my life and I know that girl. Based on what you explained, I figured Nicole is only playing a fun game of help-me-protect-my-secret. She is only faking the act to make you keep her secret safe 'cause she's aware that that could be a great disappointment to her daddy and she also knows that could be a doorway to boarding school in Britain and a ruined career. Think about it," Arthur said earnestly.

"No! She meant everything she said," I said earnestly.

"Do you even hear yourself?" Arthur said again and silence ruled for a moment. "Trust me girl, Nicole is a bad influence, she always has been and she wouldn't just change in a blink of an eye because of hurtful words from her father—which is not a new thing. If you knew who you're dealing with, you wouldn't even imagine associating with her—oh best of friends, she said, pfft! Have you really forgotten all she did to you—how she mistreated you? She really is a terrible influence. If she really has changed then she needs to prove it to everyone before you can think of associating with her," Arthur quietly philosophized but I stood on what I believed of her—a changed person now.

"You know, I didn't expect you to react this way about this... you're meant to be on my side. You should have seen the tears in her eyes."

"She's literally an actor!"

"Jeez, Arthur, you should understand what I mean."

"Honestly, I don't. Nicole is sly, perfidious, and deceptive!" Arthur stood to expound in a very explicit way and Delaney interrupted, having been astounded all through.

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